[email protected] – (305) 336 3646
I am a full-stack software engineer with two years of full-time experience working with PHP, PHPUnit, AngularJS, JavaScript, Jasmine, MySQL, and several other technologies.
As someone involved in many different parts of the development cycle, I’m a firm believer in integrating tools and strategies to improve the quality and efficacy of my team.
In my free time, I enjoy tinkering and learning new things. Whether it’s maintaining an open-source AngularJS directive, building a command-line over-world game in Ruby, or even just learning the ins and outs of a new video game, I am always eager to figure out and improve how things work.
March 2016 – Present
Full Stack Software Engineer – Watsco Ventures
PHP, PHPUnit, Angular 1.5, JavaScript, Karma, Jasmine, SCSS, HTML, MySQL, Doctrine, Bamboo, Jenkins
Engage is a web application for HVAC-R (Heating, Ventilation, AC, and Refrigeration) service providers to build digital, interactive installation proposals with live, provider-specific pricing.
Developed a single-page AngularJS application for providers to build installation proposals.
Built a RESTful PHP API for managing requests between the client app, the project database, and external data-sources.
Added the ability to send a live, public version of specific pages within the app in order to allow providers to engage customers without having to be physically present.
Single-handedly designed and built an accessory management system that allows providers to load in custom accessories and set up branded accessories with live, dynamic pricing.
Spearheaded an initiative to integrate a defined and more active code review process for Engage, which reduced the amount of bugs prior to deployment and spurred developers to more consistently follow coding conventions and best practices.
Collaborated with the Project Management team to plan the project roadmap in JIRA, convey current and potential development blockers, and improve feature estimation and deployment strategies.
March 2015 – March 2016
Junior Developer – Watsco Ventures
PHP, PHPUnit, JavaScript, jQuery, SCSS, HTML, MySQL, Zend Framework, Doctrine, Twilio
OnCall Air is a web application for capturing HVAC-R repair requests from customers, routing them to partnered service providers, and providing a diverse set of tools for managing the request from either side.
Built out the customer-facing application, which included a flow for submitting a request, a dashboard for monitoring a request’s status, and a hub for changing settings and viewing completed jobs.
Led the design and development of several enhancements for the service provider application, including provider GPS tracking, SMS notification management, and the ability to build user roles and permissions.
Prototyped an enhanced version of the customer-facing application by working through a design sprint with several key members of the project.
Implemented stricter unit testing requirements, leading to full coverage of a majority of our API services and significantly less issues with deployed code.
March 2015 – September 2015
Lead Web Developer – MyStyleBlox
Ruby, Rails 4.2, RSpec, JavaScript, SCSS, HTML, Google Maps API
Becasted is a Ruby on Rails marketplace app for bringing transparency to the talent industry. Talent and clients can conduct business together through the app, without interference from middlemen and agencies.
Cleaned up much of the early, unorganized code to follow a set of agreed-upon best practices.
Built an admin section for the site in order to manage the project’s users and accounts.
Developed a variety of other key features for the application such as user searching and filtering, user photo management, client-user bookings, payment acceptance, nudity filtering (my poor eyes), and more.
- Graduated April 2015
- Learned Ruby, Rails, and jQuery
- Graduated December 2013
- Bachelor of Arts in Brain and Cognitive Science with Computer Science Minor*