Want to collaborate with me? Check out my portfolio at mulualem.dev
🔭 I'm currently working on developing and maintaining the SOTA AI-powered platform TextCortex AI, contributing to a seamless experience for over 1 million users and supporting more than 200,000 daily active users, on a mission to shape the future of AI.
Recently I've worked on Dodai web & Mobile apps a project for the first electric scooter provider company in Ethiopia
🌱 I’m currently learning Python, FastAPI, Serverless framework, AWS Serverless, AWS Lambda, RBAC, GraphQL, Redis
💬 Ask me about Software Engineering, JavaScript, React, ReactNative, Chrome Extension, AI, Redux, Redux-toolkit, Redux-Saga NodeJs, EspressJs, Web-App development...
📫 How to reach me [email protected] & checkout my portfolio