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Introduction 🔥

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the need for a resilient and efficient healthcare system is more critical than ever. Traditional healthcare models often struggle with issues related to accessibility, security, and trust. This project proposes a decentralized healthcare system as a novel approach to address these challenges, leveraging the capabilities of blockchain technology.

TechStack Used 🎯

  • Solidity
  • ethers.js
  • Next.js
  • RainbowKit
  • Metamask
  • openzeppelin
  • ParticleAuth
  • WalletConnect
  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • Chakra UI
  • Sepolia Testnet
  • Alchemy
  • Wagmi
  • Nodemailer
  • Local Setup 🚧

    1. Fork the repo.
    2. Clone the repo.
    1. Open in VS code or your preferred code editor.
    code decentralized-healthcare-system
    1. Create .env file in the root directory of the project.
    touch .env
    1. Refer .env.example to update .env.
    2. Install Dependencies.
    1. Run the project at localhost:3000.
    yarn run dev
    1. For nodemailer server, Configure Gmail password / Auth Token in /nodemailer/index.js.

    2. Install Dependencies in the /nodemailer directory.

    1. Start the server at localhost:5000.
    node index.js

    Deployed Contract Addresses 📜

    DoctorSide_Healthcare.sol : - 0x1f7CAAeA2491E5D9b5cDF02C7D25c78a8736b23d

    UserSide_Healthcare.sol: - 0xe6361d08C77cC8197d33ED0064eBF227c39Aed9d