Making a terminal chat app using python that allows you to send and secret messages hidden safely inside an image.
The chat app will not be using a database or any other form of persistent data storage and will rely on the computer's non-persistent memory (RAM).
- Add and update status.
- Add a friend.
- Send a secret message.
- Read a secret message.
- Read chats from user / read chat history.
- Count the average words spoken by user.
- Delete a spy from list if he is talking too much.
- Showing the colorful output on terminal.
- Close Application
- To use this python-module some additional libraries need to be installed beforehand. For installing libraries in python, commands are:
pip install virtual_env
pip install steganography
pip install termcolor
pip install colorama
To run this app, open command prompt/terminal in projects directory. Below command should be followed.
Some previous commits are available with messed up codes at Spychat-Application-Updated repository.
This project is a part of Acadview full Summer training program.