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Mraulio edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 15 revisions

This is the main part of the app, where you can see, edit, save, share, print... your images. First time you open the app you will see this on screen:


To add images you may go to the Import or USB Serial tabs.


Depending on the number of images you have in the gallery and the Images per page setting you will see the current page and total number of pages at the bottom of the gallery screen.


Moving one page

Using these buttons you can move to the Next or Previous pages on the gallery.


Moving to First/Last page

Using these buttons you can move to the First or Last pages on the gallery.


Free navigation

Touching the pagination numbers opens a Page selector. Move it and press the page number where you want to go.

imagen imagen

Editing an image

When touching an image a dialog will open, showing different options. Some buttons are not active by default, go to Settings to activate them.


1. Save. Saves the image in the selected format and size, .png (Pictures/GBCamera Manager) or .txt (Download/GBCamera Manager/Hex images).

2. Share. Shares the image in .png, in the selected export size.

3. Crop frame. Select it to remove the frame on a .png save/share.

4. Show frames/palettes. Changes between the Palette or Frame selector below.

5. Frame palette edit mode. Activate it to edit the Frame palette colors and invert settings. While it's active the palette of the actual image and the frame can be different. If not active the image palette will be the one showing.

imagen imagen

  • Tip: The selected palette has a border of different color:

    • Grey: image palette.
    • Light Brown: frame palette.


  • If both image and frame use the same palette, a Dark Brown color will be shown:


6. Invert palette. Inverts the order of the palette colors.


7. Rotate. Rotates the image 90ª clockwise (0º, 90º, 180º, 270º, and back to 0º).

imagen imagen imagen

8. Print. Prints to a real Game Boy Printer. See below.

9. Paperize. Simulates a Game Boy Printer paper print. See below.

10. Palettes/Frames selector. Area that shows the Palettes or Frames to select from.

11. Image. Shows the image and has 2 functions:

  • Single tap: Opens the image in a bigger window, showing also the image's name.


  • Double tap: Adds/Removes the Favourite tag. See below.

Selection Mode.

You can select multiple images by performing a long press on any image. A Dark Blue border will surround the selected images and the Back floating button will show up. Once you are in selection mode you can tap any image to select/unselect it. You can also do a long press on another image and every image between the first and that one will be selected. The text on top will tell you the number of images selected.

Press the Back floating button to exit selection mode.


This mode is needed for other features like Deleting, making HDR or GIF, exporting a JSON Backup or editing multiple images at once.


You can access the Menu with the 3 dots on the to right of the Gallery. There are several options you can access from there.

imagen imagen

Editing and sharing multiple images.

If there are 2 or more images selected you can go to the Menu and select Edit selected. The window will open as before, but showing the list of selected images below the image.

You can change the showing image by selecting the desired image. The selected palettes, frames or other settings will change accordingly to the selected image.

Any change you do in this mode will apply to all the selected images. You can also download, share or print all images at once with the respective buttons.

Deleting images.

You can delete images by selecting them, going to the Menu and selecting DELETE. A window will appear, showing the selected images as a security measure before confirming.



Tags are still WIP, and only one is available, the Favourite tag. If you import a json file from the gallery web app the imported tags will still be stored internally, but right now you can't access them.

Adding/removing the Favourite tag.

Open an image (also works on multi selection) and double tap it. A pink frame will show that the image has the tag active. Double tap again to remove the tag.


Filtering images.

On the Menu there is an option to Filter favorites. If active you can remove the filter on the same place.


Printing to Game Boy Printer.

You can print any image to a real Game Boy Printer. Go to the USB Serial wiki to learn how to connect it. Once the Arduino board and the printer are properly connected, you can use the Print button to send the data to the printer. Multi printing is also available.

A window will appear showing some debug messages like the number of images to print and prints needed. Also the GB Printer response bytes will be written on the screen. If everything is fine you will see a similar output to this one (with 81, 00...). If not check below for the possible errors and how to fix them.


Possible errors.

If the printer response bytes are not the previous ones then you may have different problems:

  • Arduino board not in Printer interface mode. A message similar to this one means that if you are using the Printer Emulator code in your Arduino, it is not in the Printer interface mode needed for this feature. check that your GB Printer is ON and reset your Arduino board or reconnect it.
  • Printer is not well connected/other. If you receive FF as response bytes your printer may not be properly connected, or busy. Check your link cable and try again.


This feature implements the Gameboy Printer Paper simulator by Raphaël Boichot.

Use the Paperize button and a new window will appear. You will see 6 default colors, a Custom Paper color image (if selected you can tap on it again to open a color selector). Press the Process/Print button (translation depends on the app's version) and after some loading time the processed image will show with an animation. You can then save it to Pictures/GBCamera Manager. This feature is not available on multi selection right now as it's very slow.

By default the paper simulator shows as a real Game Boy Printer print, with the serrated borders. If you only want the image check the Only image checkbox.

ezgif com-resize

Average (HDR)!

This feature combines does an average of the color on every pixel of the selected images. Select the images you want to average, go to the Menu and select Average. All selected images must have the same size for this to work, or else a toast with an error will appear.


You can then save it to Pictures/GBCamera Manager. You can crop the frame out when saving by checking the Crop checkbox.

Animate (GIF)!

You can do animations with the selected images, that will be saved as a .gif file into Pictures/GBCamera Manager. Select the images you want to animate, go to Menu and press Animate.

A new window will appear after loading the animation. You will see it and reprocess it. You have different options, like Loop and a scrollbar with the desired FPS (from 1 to 30 fps). Press the Reload button to reprocess the animation, or the Save button to save it.


JSON Backup.

You can make a Json Backup selecting that option on the Menu when you have one or more images selected. It will create a .json file inside Download/GBCamera Manager/Images json/, which contains all the images data (palette, frame, rotation, tag...) and you can import in the Import tab or into the [gallery web app[(