Please replace your faker
dependency with @faker-js/faker
. This is the official, stable fork of Faker.
npm install @faker-js/faker --save-dev
or yarn
yarn add @faker-js/faker -D
or pnpm
pnpm install @faker-js/faker -D
<script src="faker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
const randomName =; // Caitlyn Kerluke
const randomEmail =; //
const randomPhoneNumber =; // (746) 637-3344 x8083
const { faker } = require('@faker-js/faker');
const randomName =; // Rowan Nikolaus
const randomEmail =; //
const randomPhoneNumber =; // (279) 329-8663 x30233
import { faker } from '';
const randomName =; // Willie Bahringer
const randomEmail =; //
const randomPhoneNumber =; // 938-672-1359 x418
Since version v6+
there is native TypeScript support.
In order to have faker working properly, you need to check if these compilerOptions
are set correctly in your tsconfig
"compilerOptions": {
"esModuleInterop": true,
"moduleResolution": "Node"
If you want for whatever reason the versions prior to v6
you can use @types/faker
and rebind the declarations to the @faker-js/faker
package with a faker.d.ts
file in your e.g. src folder.
// faker.d.ts
declare module '@faker-js/faker' {
import faker from 'faker';
export default faker;
An in-depth overview of the API methods is available in the documentation. The API covers the following modules:
Faker provides many useful utility functions.
API Description zipCode Get fake zip code zipCodeByState Get fake zip code by state city Get fake city cityPrefix Get fake city prefix citySuffix Get fake city suffix cityName Get fake city name streetName Get fake street name streetAddress Get fake street address streetSuffix Get fake street suffix streetPrefix Get fake street prefix secondaryAddress Get fake secondary address county Get fake county country Get fake country countryCode Get fake country code state Get fake state stateAbbr Get fake state abbreviation latitude Get fake latitude longitude Get fake longitude direction Get fake direction cardinalDirection Get fake cardinal direction ordinalDirection Get fake ordinal direction nearbyGPSCoordinate Get fake near by gps coordinate timeZone Get fake timezone -
API Description dog Get fake dog type cat Get fake cat type snake Get fake snake type bear Get fake bear type lion Get fake lion type cetacean Get fake cetacean type horse Get fake horse type bird Get fake bird type cow Get fake cow type fish Get fake fish type crocodilia Get fake crocodilia type insect Get fake insect type rabbit Get fake rabbit type -
API Description color Get fake color name department Get fake department name productName Get fake product name price Get fake price count productAdjective Get fake product adjective productMaterial Get fake product material data product Get fake product name productDescription Get fake product description -
API Description suffixes Get fake company suffixes companyName Get fake company name companySuffix Get fake company suffix bs Get fake company business services catchPhraseAdjective Get fake product adjective catchPhraseDescriptor Get fake product material data catchPhraseNoun Get fake product name bsAdjective Get fake business services adjective bsBuzz Get fake business services buzz bsNoun Get fake business services noun -
API Description column Get fake database column name type Get fake database column datatype collation Get fake database collation engine Get fake database engine -
API Description number Generates a random number float Generates a random floating number datetime Generates a random datetime string Generates a random string uuid Generates a valid uuid boolean Generates a boolean hexaDecimal Generates a hexadecimal json Generates a valid json object array Generates an array -
API Description past Get a date N
years into the pastfuture Get a date N
years into the futurebetween Get a random date between the dates given betweens Get an array of 3 dates ( by default ) of sorted randoms dates between the dates given recent Get a date N
days from the recent pastsoon Get a date N
days into the futuremonth Generates a random value of date month weekday Generates a random value of date weekday -
API Description account Generates a random finance account accountName Generates a random finance account name routingNumber Generates a random finance routing number mask Generates a random finance mask template amount Generates a random amount of transaction transactionType Generates a random transaction type currencyCode Generates a random currency code currencyName Generates a random currency name currencySymbol Generates a random currency symbol bitcoinAddress Generates a random bitcoin address litecoinAddress Generates a random litecoin address creditCardNumber Generates a random credit card number creditCardCVV Generates a random credit card CVV ethereumAddress Generates a random ethereum address (ETH address) iban Generates a random IBAN bic Generates a random BIC transactionDescription Generates a random transaction description -
API Description branch Generates a random branch with hacker noun and verb commitEntry Generates a random commit entry with git commit message and sha commitMessage Generates a random commit message with hacker noun, adj and verb commitSha Generates a random commit SHA shortSha Generates a random short SHA -
API Description abbreviation Generates a random hacker abbreviation adjective Generates a random hacker adjective noun Generates a random hacker noun verb Generates a random hacker verb ingverb Generates a random hacker ingverb phrase Generates a random hacker phrase -
API Description randomize Get a random element from an array slugify Removes unwanted characters from URI string replaceSymbolWithNumber Parses string for a symbol and replace it with a random number from 1-10 replaceSymbols Parses string for symbols (numbers or letters) and replaces them appropriately (# will be replaced with number, ? with letter and * will be replaced with number or letter) replaceCreditCardSymbols Replace symbols in a credit card schema including Luhn checksum repeatString String repeat helper, alternative to String.prototype.repeat shuffle Takes an array and randomizes it in place then returns it using the modern version of the Fisher-Yates algorithm mustache Generates a string with mustache {{ }} createCard Generates a human card contextualCard Generates a human contextual card userCard Generates a website user card createTransaction Generates a transaction -
API Description image Generates a random image avatar Generates a random avatar imageUrl Generates a random image url abstract Generates a random abstract image animals Generates a random animals image business Generates a random business image cats Generates a random cats image city Generates a random city image food Generates a random food image nightlife Generates a random nightlife image fashion Generates a random fashion image people Generates a random people image nature Generates a random nature image sports Generates a random sports image technics Generates a random technics image transport Generates a random transport image dataUri Generates a random data uri lorempixel Generates a random image url from lorempixel unsplash Generates a random image url from unsplash lorempicsum Generates a random image url from lorem picsum -
API Description avatar Generates a random avatar email Generates a random email exampleEmail Generates a random example email userName Generates a random user name protocol Generates a random internet protocol (http or https) httpMethod Generates a random http method url Generates a random url domainName Generates a random domain name domainSuffix Generates a random domain suffix domainWord Generates a random domain word ip Generates a random ip ipv6 Generates a random ipv6 port Generates a random port number userAgent Generates a random user agent color Generates a random hexadecimal color mac Generates a random mac address password Generates a random password -
API Description word Generates a random lorem word words Generates a random lorem words sentence Generates a random lorem sentence slug Generates a random lorem slug sentences Generates a random lorem sentences paragraph Generates a random lorem paragraph paragraphs Generates a random lorem paragraphs text Generates a random lorem text lines Generates a random lorem lines -
API Description rand Generates a random mersenne rand seed Generates a random mersenne seed seed_array Generates a random datetime seed init by array -
API Description genre Generates a random music genre -
API Description firstName Generates a random human first name lastName Generates a random human last name middleName Generates a random human middle name findName Generates a random human first name and last name jobTitle Generates a random human job title, combination of jobDescriptor, jobArea and jobType gender Generates a random gender prefix Generates a random locale with gender specific name prefix suffix Generates a random locale with gender specific name suffix title Generates a random human title jobDescriptor Generates a random human job descriptor jobArea Generates a random human job area jobType Generates a random human job type -
API Description phoneNumber Generates a random phone number phoneNumberFormat Generates a random phone number with requested format (Array index) phoneFormats Generates a random phone number format -
API Description arrayElement Takes an array and returns a random element of the array arrayElements Takes an array and returns a subset with random elements of the array objectElement Takes an object and returns a random key or value word Generates a random word words Generate N
random words, withN
defaulting to a random number between 1 and 3locale Generates a random locale alpha Generates lower/upper alphabetic characters alphaNumeric Generates alphanumeric characters -
API Description fileName Generates a random filenames without system path separators commonFileName Generates a random filenames without system path separators mimeType Generates a random mimetypes commonFileType Generates a random commonly used file type commonFileExt Generates a random commonly used file extension fileType Get any file type available as mime-type fileExt Generates a random file extension directoryPath Generates a random directory path filePath Generates a random unix fs file full path semver Generate semantic version -
API Description recent Get recent timestamp in Unix time format -
API Description vehicle Generates a random vehicle name manufacturer Generates a random vehicle manufacturer name model Generates a random vehicle model name type Generates a random vehicle type fuel Generates a random vehicle fuel type vin Generates a random vehicle vin number color Generates a random vehicle color vrm Generates a random vehicle vrm bicycle Generates a random bicycle type
Faker contains a super useful generator method Faker.fake
for combining faker API methods using a mustache string format.
faker.fake('{{name.lastName}}, {{name.firstName}} {{name.suffix}}')
This will interpolate the format string with the value of methods name.lastName()
, name.firstName()
, and name.suffix()
Faker has support for multiple locales.
The default language locale is set to English.
Setting a new locale is simple:
// sets locale to de
faker.locale = 'de';
See our documentation for a list of provided languages
Faker supports incremental loading of locales.
// loads only de locale
const faker = require('@faker-js/faker/locale/de');
If you want consistent results, you can set your own seed:
const firstRandom = faker.datatype.number();
// Setting the seed again resets the sequence.
const secondRandom = faker.datatype.number();
console.log(firstRandom === secondRandom);
The project is being built by esbuild (see bundle.ts)
pnpm install
pnpm run build
pnpm install
pnpm run build
pnpm run test
# or
pnpm run coverage
You can view a code coverage report generated in coverage/index.html
# build the Faker dist
# it's used inside of certain routes
pnpm run build
pnpm run docs:dev
# build the Faker dist
# it's used inside of certain routes
pnpm run build
pnpm run docs:build # Output docs to /dist
pnpm run docs:serve # Serve docs from /dist
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Read the team update (January 14th, 2022).