MMv3 is the 3rd generation robot platform used to teach the IEEE Micromouse DeCal at UC Berkeley. It was designed with usability, manufacturability, size, and cost in mind.
Skeleton lab code, lab documents, and solutions are stored in labs/, docs/, and solutions/, respectively. To get started with a lab, simply copy the contents of the folder over to the CircuitPython drive and edit files from there.
- lab1 - CircuitPython Basics
- lab2 - Assembly
- sanity - Hardware Check
- lab3 - Encoders
- lab4 - IR Sensors
- lab5 - Odometry and Motor Control
- Checkpoint 1: Does your mouse drive?
- lab6 - Intro to PID
- lab7 - More PID
- Checkpoint 2: Does your mouse straight under PID control?
- lab8 - Maze Solving Primitives (WIP)