Example of Photon game with multiplayer, collectible card game, strategy, turn-based combat and roguelike.
- Unity Editor 2020.3.8f1 LTS
- Photon Network
- NuGet for Unity
- Newtonsoft.JSON
- Battle Royale Duo Polyart PBR
- HexLands - Low Poly Style
- Treasure chest FREE sample
- Skull Platform
You can download latest release of "Test.Version.zip" and launch "Photon Example.exe" for 2 users.
You can download latest release of "Packs.Generator.zip" and launch "PhotonExample_PacksGenerator.exe". Move your created file with extension ".pack" to game foler "Photon Example_Data/StreamingAssets/packed/".
Into github, click green button "Code" -> "Download ZIP" OR clone link for clone repository into your pc folder.