Vrome -- Vim keybindings extension for Chrome
Do you want to customize your hotkeys?
Do you want to edit with external editor?
Do you want to customize your default search engine?
Do you want to customize your default disable sites?
Checkout here:
<C-a> Move to first words or select all
<C-d> Delete forward char
<C-e> Move to end
<C-h> Delete backward char
<C-i> Launch the external editor,default 'editor' is 'gvim -f'.
<C-k> Delete forward to the end of the line.
<C-w> Delete backward word
<C-u> Delete backward to the beginning of the line.
<M-d> Delete forward word
<M-h> Move back a word
<M-l> Move forward a word
<M-j> Move back a char
<M-k> Move forward a char
<C-^> Select the previously selected tab.If [count] is specified, go to the [count]th tab.
<C-a> Increments the last number in URL by 1, or by [count] if given.
<C-b> Scroll up [count] full page.
<C-d> Scroll down [count] half page
<C-f> Scroll down [count] full page
<C-i> Go [count] pages forward in the browser history.
<C-o> Go [count] pages back in the browser history.
<C-u> Scroll up [count] half page
<C-v> Pass through the next key
<C-x> Decrements the last number in URL by 1, or by [count] if given.
<C-y> Shorten current url,and copy it into clipboard
<C-z> Temporarily ignore all Vrome key bindings
<M-d> like `d`,but close current tab and selects the last selected tab.
<F1> Open the help page.
0 Scroll to the absolute left of the document
$ Scroll to the absolute right of the document
D Like d but selects the tab to the left of the deleted tab.
F Start QuickHint mode, but open link in a new tab
G Go to the end of the document
H Go back in the browser history
L Go forward in the browser history
N Find previous
O Open one or more URLs, based on current location
R Reload all Tabs
T Open one or more URLs in a new tab, based on current location
Y Copy selected text
b goto the [count] tab or the first matched tab.
d close current tab and selects the tab to the right of the deleted tab.
f Start QuickHint mode
h Scroll document to the left.If [count] is specified then move [count] times as much down.
j Scroll document down. If [count] is specified then move [count] times as much down.
k Scroll document up. If [count] is specified then move [count] times as much down.
l Scroll document to the right. If [count] is specified then move [count] times as much down.
n Find the next [count]
o Open one or more URLs
r Reload the current web page
t Open one or more URLs in a new tab
u Undo the last closed tab, If a [count] is specified then undo the [count]th last closed tab.
y Yank current location to the clipboard
: Enter Command-line mode
/ Search forward for the next [count] word for a pattern
? Search backwards for the next [count] word for a pattern
* Find word under cursor
# Find word under cursor backwards
N% Scroll to [count] percent of the document
. Repeat the last keyboard mapping [count] times.
]] Follow the link labeled 'next' or '>' if it exists
[[ Follow the link labeled 'prev', 'previous' or '<' if it exists
g$ Go to the last tab
g0 Go to the first tab
gT Go to the previous [count] tab
gU Go to the root of the website
gf View source
gg Go to the top of the document
gi Focus the [count]th input field
gt Go to the next [count] tab
gu Go to [count]th parent directory
zI Enlarge full zoom of current web page,[count]
zM Enlarge full zoom of current web page by a larger amount,[count]
zO Reduce full zoom of current web page,[count]
zR Reduce full zoom of current web page by a larger amount,[count]
zZ Set full zoom value of current web page
zi Enlarge text zoom of current web page,[count]
zm Enlarge text zoom of current web page by a larger amount,[count]
zo Reduce text zoom of current web page,[count]
zr Reduce text zoom of current web page by a larger amount,[count]
zz Set text zoom value of current web page
go{a-zA-Z0-9} Jump to a QuickMark in the current tab. Open any QuickMark in the current tab. You can mark any URLs with M{a-zA-Z0-9}. These QuickMarks are persistent across browser sessions.
gn{a-zA-Z0-9} Jump to a QuickMark in a new tab. Works like go{a-zA-Z0-9} but opens the QuickMark in a new tab.
M{a-zA-Z0-9} Add new QuickMark for current URL. You can go to a marked URL in the current tab with go{a-zA-Z0-9} or in a new tab with gn{a-zA-Z0-9}. These QuickMarks are persistent across browser sessions.
m{a-zA-Z} Set mark at the cursor position. Marks a-z are local to the buffer, whereas A-Z are valid between buffers.
'{a-zA-Z} Jump to the mark. Marks a-z are local to the buffer, whereas A-Z are valid between buffers.
:help Open the help page.
:bdelete Close all matched tabs.