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! Copyright 1996-2017 the Authors
! Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 only (the "Licence");
! You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
! You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
! software distributed under the Licence is distributed on an
! either express or implied.
! See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions
! and limitations under the Licence.

Unless specifically specified in each file and/or routine, the principal Authors are:
  ** Andreas Bott ** ([email protected])
  ** Roland von Glasow **

Additional work to make mistra code available, and significant technical changes in the code
have been made by:
  ** Josue Bock ** ([email protected])

HOW TO RUN MISTRA -- in a nutshell:

1) Install KPP from Please refer to the README file in this KPP depository for instructions

2) Install a Fortran compiler (preferably ifort, alternatively gfortran) and the netcdf libraries


3) Check that C shell (csh) is installed on your system, then generate the mechanism files: in ./src/mech, run make

4) Check that netcdf libraries are installed on your system (locate If not, install the package libnetcdff-dev
Edit the Makefile (in ./src directory), set the correct path to the netcdf libraries and include file. Depending on netcdf distribution, use "-lnetcdf" or "-lnetcdf -lnetcdff".

5) Compile the code using "make".

6) In the param/param_... file, set the appropriate path to Mistra input files. It is advised to use a directory that will not be duplicated for each version the user will run, but choose a generic directory instead.
Set the appropriate path to parent output directory, to the executable, and set the namelist to be used.
Run the param_... file to run the model.

For more detailed information see the manual in the ./doc directory