Create Highly Customizable Circular Slider made with Jetpack compose
- Great look and feel with lots of customization
- Customisable circular slider
- Customisable simple thumb
- Simple to Implement
Attribute | Description |
maxNum |
To provide maximum number for the slider |
radiusCircle |
Radius of the circular slider |
percentageFontSize |
Font size of the percentage text |
percentageColor |
Color of the percentage text |
progressWidth |
Width of the Progress |
animDuration |
To set duration for the sliding animation |
animDelay |
To set delay for the sliding animation |
strokeCap |
To set strokes of the ends |
thumbRadius |
To set the radius of the thumb |
tickColor |
To set the color of the minute-like clock arms |
tickhighlightedColor |
To set the color of the hour-like clock arms |
dialColor |
Dial color |
progressColor |
Color of the progress bar |
startThumbCircleColor |
Initial thumb color |
thumbColor |
Thumb color |
trackColor |
Track color |
trackOpacity |
Opacity of the track |
trackWidth |
Width of the track |
isDisabled |
Flag to set enabled/disabled circular slider |
staticProgress |
Static progress in case if isDisabled is true |
onTouchEnabled |
To enable thumb movement based on touch event |
onDragEnabled |
To enable thumb movement on drag movement |
- Add this in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
- Add the dependency in your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Mindinventory:AndroidCircularSlider:X.X.X'
- Use this code inside your composable:
fun CircularProgressBar(
maxNum: Int = 50,
radiusCircle: Dp = 150.dp,
percentageFontSize: TextUnit = 28.sp,
percentageColor: Color = DeepBlue,
progressWidth: Float = 28f,
animDuration: Int = 1000,
animDelay: Int = 0,
strokeCap: StrokeCap = StrokeCap.Round,
thumbRadius: Float = 40f,
tickColor: Color = SkyBlue,
tickhighlightedColor: Color = TextWhite,
dialColor: Color = DullPurple,
progressColor: Brush = Brush.linearGradient(colors = listOf(SkyBlue, Color.White)),
startThumbCircleColor: List<Color> = listOf(SkyBlue, SkyBlue),
thumbColor: List<Color> = listOf(Color.White, Color.White),
trackColor: Color = Color.Black,
trackOpacity: Float = 0.10f,
trackWidth: Float = 20f,
isDisabled: Boolean = false,
staticProgress: Float = 0f,
AndroidCircularSlider is MIT-licensed.
We’d be really happy if you send us links to your projects where you use our component. Just send an email to [email protected] And do let us know if you have any questions or suggestion regarding our work.