This tool takes your destinyArmor.csv from DIM and generates optimal gear-combinations depending on certain rules. You basically tell the tool which stats are important for you and it will give you (hopefully) nice gear permutations.
Note 1: It thinks all your armor is masterworked!
Note 2: It does not add any armor mods - so you can freely distribute the five mod slots to further increase the builds.
Note 3: Please try around before you ask me stuff (like installation - if it doesn't work, it's probably user error). If you find an issue, open a Gitlab issue.
- Download this repository, either with
git clone
or by downloading the ZIP-archive from github. - Install python 3.8 or higher (tested with 3.8 and 3.9).
- Install the packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, networkx with
py -m pip install numpy pandas matplotlib networkx
- Open DIM, go to Settings and download the armor spreadsheet (at the end of the page). Put your destinyArmor.csv from DIM in the same folder as the
. - Modify to your liking. Set the Weights high (~1.5) for perks you like and low (~0.4) for perks you dont care about.
- Execute with
. ???
- Profit. It does not add any stat mods into account, so that's up to you!
Example for Windows with example Paths.
- Go to and download
Windows embeddable package (64-bit)
. Unpack it and note down the path, for exampleC:/Downloads/python39/
. - Download this repository
- Unzip the and note the path, for example
. - Open a command line by pressing Win+R and type "cmd".
- In the command line, navigate to the directory of the repository, for example using
cd C:/Downloads/master/D2-Gear-Calculator-master/
. Using thedir
command you should now see the "". - Install the dependencies with
C:/Downloads/python39/python.exe -m pip install numpy pandas matplotlib networkx
- Edit
to your liking - Execute it in the command line with
Adapt the following configuration to your liking. A high weight means it is an important stat, if you don't like a stat, use a lower number. I'd not recommend using negative weights.
af = ArmorFilter(
# Prepare Settings
.setStatWeight(Stat.Mobility, 0.3)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Resilience, 1.5)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Recovery, 1.2)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Discipline, 1.5)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Intellect, 0.6)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Strength, 0.3)
# You can also modify the penalty weights
.setWastedStatPenaltyWeight(Stat.Mobility, weight=4, over100=1.1)
.setWastedStatPenaltyWeight(Stat.Resilience, weight=4, over100=1.1)
.setWastedStatPenaltyWeight(Stat.Recovery, weight=4, over100=1.1)
.setWastedStatPenaltyWeight(Stat.Discipline, weight=4, over100=1.1)
.setWastedStatPenaltyWeight(Stat.Intellect, weight=4, over100=1.1)
.setWastedStatPenaltyWeight(Stat.Strength, weight=4, over100=1.1)
## add base mods; you can also add stasis here manually, or use the shortcuts below
# .addStaticStat(Stat.Mobility, 20) # Powerful Friends
# .addStaticStat(Stat.Strength, 20) # Radiant Light
## As a shortcut, you can also use the following commands
.addStaticPowerfulFriends() # +20 mobility
.addStaticRadiantLight() # +20 strength
.addStaticStasisWhisperOfChains() # +10 recovery
.addStaticStasisWhisperOfConduction() # +10 resilience, +10 intellect
.addStaticStasisWhisperOfDurance() # +10 strength
.addStaticStasisWhisperOfShards() # +10 resilience
# Add filters
.addFilter(MinimumStatValueFilter(Stat.Mobility, 70)) # Mobility MUST be >= 70
.addFilter(MaximumStatValueFilter(Stat.Mobility, 80)) # Mobility MUST be <= 80
.addFilter(NamedItemFilter(Slot.Legs, "Dunemarchers"))# Only builds with Dunemarchers in the leg slot
Example output for my titan armor with the following weights:
# Prepare Settings
.setStatWeight(Stat.Mobility, 0.3)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Resilience, 1.5)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Recovery, 1.2)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Discipline, 1.5)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Intellect, 0.6)
.setStatWeight(Stat.Strength, 0.3)
.addStaticStat(Stat.Mobility, 20) # Powerful Friends
.addStaticStat(Stat.Strength, 20) # Radiant Light
Collection 275015
tiers 33
mobility 38 resilience 88 recovery 51
discipline 90 intellect 40 strength 46
Helmet: Mask of the Quiet One [4 18 15 22 12 4]
Gauntlets: Lightkin Gauntlets [4 24 10 22 8 8]
Chest: Plate of the Great Hunt [4 26 8 24 4 8]
Legs: Greaves of the Great Hunt [4 18 16 20 14 4]
Collection 272423
tiers 34
mobility 42 resilience 93 recovery 45
discipline 83 intellect 40 strength 50
Helmet: An Insurmountable Skullfort [8 26 5 23 10 4]
Gauntlets: Kabr's Brazen Grips [4 21 14 14 10 12]
Chest: Plate of the Great Hunt [4 26 8 24 4 8]
Legs: Greaves of the Great Hunt [4 18 16 20 14 4]
Collection 271126
tiers 33
mobility 55 resilience 70 recovery 55
discipline 95 intellect 28 strength 50
Helmet: An Insurmountable Skullfort [8 26 5 23 10 4]
Gauntlets: Mimetic Savior Gauntlets [4 4 31 18 8 12]
Chest: Plate of the Great Hunt [4 26 8 24 4 8]
Legs: Mimetic Savior Greaves [17 12 9 28 4 4]