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Capacitive touch sensors

Alvin Schiller edited this page Dec 24, 2023 · 5 revisions

Instead of arcade push buttons, you can install capacitive touch sensors type ttp223.

Increase and decrease volume

While these work like other buttons, there is one edit you need to do when using GPIO control to change the volume with touch sensors. If you use the script out of the box: after a touch, the volume decreases continuously to 0. If you set the volume to 100 in the web app, this process repeats itself. An ordinary push button makes everything right on the same pin.

Open the file /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/settings/gpio_settings.ini and find the [VolumeUp] and [VolumeDown] section. Remove the line with hold_repeat: True from both sections. The final result may look like this:

enabled: True
Type:  Button
Pin: 16
pull_up: True
hold_time: 0.3
functionCall: functionCallVolU

enabled: True
Type:  Button
Pin: 19
pull_up: True
hold_time: 0.3
functionCall: functionCallVolD

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