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Some Jukebox Pics for inspiration #5

hailogugo opened this issue Dec 22, 2017 · 157 comments

Some Jukebox Pics for inspiration #5

hailogugo opened this issue Dec 22, 2017 · 157 comments


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Geliras commented Dec 22, 2017

Something is wrong with the links. But copied url of the video. Looks great. How did you made the rfid cards? Printed? You could answer in german if this is allowed :)
I designed my cards with photoshop, printed them ("Foto SOFORTDRUCK" at DM) and laminated it together with the rfid card.

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I have bought (Klebe Etiketten)

To laminate them was not possible for me because the cards were to hight for my machine.


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MiczFlor pushed a commit that referenced this issue Jul 16, 2018

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The one with the only Red Buttons is the one I made in december.
The other one is the 2nd one I made last month

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genkigenki commented Aug 6, 2018


i used this wiring:

Usb-charging port on outside of the box
Battery (10000mAh USB battery)
ON/OFF switch
| | |
Raspi ; Amplifier/Auna ; Voltage display

I also soldered to the amplifier:
Raspi -> Amplifier Aux input (soldered)
USB battery output -> Amplifier (where the original battery was connected, it was only 1000mAh).

So yes, all is internal, the RFID cards work through the wood of the box, if you put them on the top right of the box.

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genkigenki commented Aug 8, 2018

Here an update, 3 buttons (play=green, prev=yellow, next=blue) and an LED that the raspberry pi is ready to accept cards or that its processing a card/button request. For that, the code could be added to the standard repository i guess...

  • When the jukebox is ready, the LED switches on
  • When you skip a track via a button, the LED goes out quickly
  • When you read in a card and it works, the LED blinks for 3 seconds until the folder starts playing

Wiring the Buttons to GPIO0,1,2 and the LED with 220 Ohms to GPIO3.

These buttons are OK:
Amazon Buttons

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JuCarax commented Aug 9, 2018


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Caliandroid commented Aug 9, 2018

this is our father-and-3y-old-son self-build wood-waste phoniebox with gpio buttons

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morivox commented Aug 19, 2018

Hi @MiczFlor et al,

what a great project, many thanks for all the support and tutorials! This finally brought me back to do handicrafts and soldering - it had been >20 years!

Attached is my first version using an old radio and attaching 5 GPIO buttons, which I built with my 4year old son. Since I have a 2nd one, I guess I have to build a 2nd (similar) one too...


Next I want to include fast forwarding, and Napster/Rhapsody support - any hints for that are highly welcome.

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Hi @JuCarax @Caliandroid @morivox
thanks for the contributions. And also keep the code coming :) I have been planning to start the wiki and migrate the Phoniebox gallery there. There have been so many astonishing additions.Looks like @JuCarax and @morivox added the feature "start playing when RFID is near the Phoniebox". Could you create a thread under issues and document this install? I want to include it in the docs. Thanks!

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morivox commented Aug 21, 2018

Thanks @MiczFlor, unfortunately I am not there, yet, being able to code "start playing when RFID is near the Phoniebox". I still wanted to have that feature so used the Neuftech USB RFID Reader, which does allow for it. It's also a bit cheaper, but does only come with 5 RFID coins. ( Maybe it's worth referring to that product as well in your "shopping list"?

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@morivox : I have the same USB reader, but i dont see any option to know wether the RFID card is near. You can leave the card on the reader and it will continue to play. But there is no way to know that the card is removed, even the LED doesnt change (it initially only blinks once in red and then turns to green as if no card is near). So you remove the card, but it will not stop playing.

For me, this behaviour is however good, i like it like that.

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morivox commented Aug 24, 2018

@genkigenki: fully correct, thanks for clarifying!

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wir00ixy commented Sep 9, 2019

Gefällt! Was hast du als Sockel für die Figuren genommen? Ich habe die bisher direkt auf die Chips geklebt, aber so ist das schon schicker.

Mein Mann spielt table top.da werden bases für die figuren benutzt. Die machen sich prima für die chips zum aufkleben. Einfach mal "bases für table top" googeln.

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got my "mini" box ready. Used a Rpi zero for it

Parts list and photos and video in action are here

The only caveat currently is that the boot time is really long (about 2 min). One part is most likely the zero, the rest is to be figured out. Maybe I can remove some services....

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wir00ixy commented Oct 8, 2019

Hallo Zusammen, erst einmal vielen Dank für die Inspiration und die gute Dokumentation. Meine Box ist fertig und ich habe nun Zeit bis Weihnachten, auch noch mehr Musik aufzuspielen und schöne Karten zu basteln. Auch ich möchte euch gern mit ein paar Fotos erfreuen und vielleicht auch den ein oder anderen inspirieren.
@MiczFlor : Danke dass du das alles hier ermöglichst und meiner Meinung nach nicht nur die Eltern, sondern auch die Kids für die Technik begeisterst. Ich werde in jedem Fall meiner Tochter später ein Bastelset mit einem rpi kaufen und dann hoffentlich viele Stunden gemeinsam mit ihr daran basteln und experimentieren. Also Danke für die Inspiration.... ich hoffe du genießt deinen Kaffee ;)


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I used the Phoniebox version without Spotify, but since we do have a premium account, I'm planning to update when I have more time... :-)
The case is machined from a block of oak wood, the front is aluminum, buttons and volume dial are aluminum as well, all custom made. Front is "mounted" with magnets to make it look nice and to still be able to open it for maintenance.
I was able to buy a used Evolis card printer at a good price to create the nice cards... :-)

Parts used:

  • Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Hifiberry MiniAMP
  • 2x Dayton Audio P95-8 Speakers
  • Cellularline Freepower Slim 10'000 mAh Powerbank (Power delivery and charging simultaneously)

Upgrade planned:

  • Power: Add Pimoroni OnOff Shim, because the Pi doesn't switch off 100% when shutting down and therefore still drains the power bank.
  • Add a capacitor to catch the quick power drop when the power bank switches to chargin mode
  • Create a proper print to connect the buttons and the HiFiberry.

Thanks to all who helped with the Phoniebox software! I'ts a great product and the kids get very quickly how it works... :-)

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Codeschnipsler commented Nov 17, 2019 via email

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Codeschnipsler, in case you can understand German (I assume, you do) there is an article on about this specific problem:

You basically connect a capacitor and an inductor to the power pins...


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CO3RA commented Dec 29, 2019

Hallo alle,
ich hab auch mal in Verbindung mit meinem kürzlich erworbenen 3D-Drucker rumgespielt und diese Version der Phoniebox für meinen Enkel erzeugt ;) - ich muss natürlich ständig am Gehäuse verbessern :D.


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The case is machined from a block of oak wood, the front is aluminum, buttons and volume dial are aluminum as well, all custom made. Front is "mounted" with magnets to make it look nice and to still be able to open it for maintenance.

It looks amazing! Great work!

What kind of magnets did you use? Where did you buy the aluminum front?

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kaoz3000 commented Aug 3, 2020

Erstmal vielen Dank für die tolle Software, hier nun meine Verpackung:

Mir war wichtig etwas schlichtes, schönes zu bauen, das aber nicht zu kühl ist und den Kindern Spaß macht.

Die Karten können oben aufbewahrt werden, der Mund ist zum Scannen der Karten.
Die Tasten sind alle mehrfach belegt (längeres Drücken/Drehen), leider basieren meine Code-Ergänzungen noch auf einer älteren Version (ich glaube 18) da müsste ich also noch mal Änderungen vornehmen, dann würde ich allerdings vielleicht auch keinen Pi Zero W sondern gleich einen vollwertigen Raspberry Pi, damit auch Spotify gut funktioniert...
Es gibt einen kleinen Sleeptimer der die LEDs im Knopf dämpft+rosa färbt und das Gerät nach 30 min herunterfährt sowie einen "Disko-Modus" bei dem die LEDs bunt blinken. Ich versuche davon noch mal ein Video zu machen.



Ok, Innen wird es etwas hässlich.
Das ganze basiert auf einem Pi Zero W, einem USB Hub und einer kleinen selbstgelöteten Platine für die Knöpfe und dem Arduino.
Außerdem eine USB Soundkarte und ein 5V, 3W Verstärker aus billigen USB Boxen (Der Sound wird durch das Gehäuse allerdings merklich besser)
Ein Arduino überprüft die Batteriespannung (Funktioniert einigermaßen, es gibt da sicherlich bessere Lösungen) und gibt grünes, orangenes oder rotes Licht aus. Er kommuniziert Seriell mit dem Raspberry um Pause/Play zu erfahren und die LED entsprechend zu animieren bzw. gibt dem Raspberry Bescheid, wenn dieser eine Batteriewarnung ausgeben oder herunterfahren werden soll. Außerdem ist noch ein OnOffshim verbaut, damit der Akku nicht leergezogen wird.

MiczFlor pushed a commit that referenced this issue Aug 20, 2020
Merge commits from Miczflor
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Uploading 20201003_140133.jpg…
Bin gerade bei meiner 2 Box, sie ist noch nicht fertig aber ich wollte schon mal ein paar Bilder hochladen.
Sie muss jetzt noch etwas Kindlich gestaltet werden.
Ich habe lediglich 3 Knöpfe verbaut. LAUTER , LEISER , UND PAUSE/PLAY.


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Agi-S commented Nov 7, 2020

Hi together! With the help of this wonderful project I was also able to create a Phoniebox for my son. It uses Spotify and also includes a microphone recording feature where I had to modify the original code a little bit to fit my use case.

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m-i-e-p commented Dec 6, 2020


i built this box in March 2019, since then i works like a charme almost every day.
You guys did an amazing job.


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SirY4 commented Dec 18, 2020

“PhonieblasteRR” upcycling

After a few attempts I finally came up with a presentable version of my Phoniebox. I used an old Grundig Radio Recorder (from 1988) as a case including its speakers. It works like a charm and sounds not bad at moderate volume. The original volume knob is reused connected to a rotary encoder via GPIO. The physical tape buttons are replaced by colourful push buttons (switches) to be more appealing to the kids (they love it). The former tape deck is housing the RFID-Reader, almost a perfect fit. So instead of opening the tape deck the cards can simply be swiped in front of it.

Previous Attempts:
I tried Pi Zero but it was extremely slow and had a terrible Wifi connection
I tried the original build in Grundig amp (connection soldered to line in port), however I did not want to have a mandatory 220V in the box, so the Hifi Berry mini Amp was the simplest solution. Also, the case is a lot lighter and there is less hum and buzz sounds. Sorry to nostalgic analogue lovers. I have all the parts and could reinstall the radio and the amp back in if I miss it and there would still be enough space for all components.

Parts of the current setup:
• Case and speakers taken from a Grundig RR 455a
• Raspberry Pi 3a+
• Hifi Berry Mini AMP
• GPIO Extension Board
• USB-RFID Reader (125Khz EM4100)
• Push button switches 12mm
• Rotary encoder with switch
• 125 khz RFID cards (22cent a piece)
• Switchable USB cable

Planned steps:
• Find a solution to connect a headphone jack. (Maybe build a switch between two soundcards)
• Optimise cable management
• Integrate the build-in 1980s LEDs in the set-up as indicator lights
• Create a physical storage for cards in the case (it is big so why not)
• Create an exchangeable battery powered solution. Maybe slots to slide power bank or other batteries in and out.
• Adding some of the old switches and buttons back in for looks.


The volume control is fully functional. However, R-L-balance and EQ are simply glued in place for esthetics (more to come)

Parts of the original tape button slots had to be covered. A laminated print with corresponding symbols was used for test puposes.

RFID-Reader in the former tape deck

The cable and a small powerbank can be fitted in the battery compartment for mobility.

The tape deck is held in place by white tag (patafix)

After removing most of the original components the case offers lots of space for future adventures.

Big thanks to everyone who worked on the software and contributed to this project. It brings joy!

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Hello, I just finished this years x-mas present!

Its a PI 3 with Trust Leto speakers, KKmoon reader and some buttons, a led and a powerbank. It works very well and the sound quality is reasonable good. My key concerns in design were stability, resistance and maintainability. I think I achieved those goals. On the downside, the box is quite bulky and heavy.
It features a storage pocket in the back and for the battery status, I carved a cavity in the base plate.

As always, after crafting, I learned a lot and will make it different the next time. The next design will be lighter and hopefully more elegant.

Thanks to all contributors - the code and documentation is perfect!


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Hi folks, I finally finished in time. Yesterday I was able to give my son his Sheepsoundbox. What can I say it is now running without interruption.

I wanted to thank MiczFlor and Splitti79 again for developing the scripts, and the German Raspberry Forum for the great support! You are the greatest!

Merry Christmas!


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Hi folks,

I just finished this present for XMAS 2020 - my son loves his box. It works like a charme almost every day.





I also wanted to thank MiczFlor and Splitti79 again for developing the scripts, and the German Raspberry Forum for the great support!

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Nice box, @Kollisionskurs!
You added a few features which are on my list since I built ours, like the display, the On/Off shim or the leather strap... :-)
Which display did you take and how did you connect it to the Raspi?

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Nice box, @Kollisionskurs!
You added a few features which are on my list since I built ours, like the display, the On/Off shim or the leather strap... :-)
Which display did you take and how did you connect it to the Raspi?

Hi vansli,
thanks .... I take this display: amazon
manual Installation: splittscheid Blog

greetz from Germany

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Nice box, @Kollisionskurs!
You added a few features which are on my list since I built ours, like the display, the On/Off shim or the leather strap... :-)
Which display did you take and how did you connect it to the Raspi?

Hi vansli,
thanks .... I take this display: amazon
manual Installation: splittscheid Blog

greetz from Germany

Danke, dann probier ich das bei Gelegenheit mal aus..
Gruss zurück aus der Schweiz!

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giguerator commented Jan 9, 2021

I have juste given my phoniebox to my son for his birthday today. Here is my take on the project:

IMG_5863 CR2
IMG_5862 CR2
IMG_5859 CR2

Case is 3d printed and I use the pirate audio 3w amp for the display and sound. I am also using an Adafruit Powerboost 1000c paired with a 2500mAh LiPo battery. I hacked a stop on removal for the PN532 since I was not sure how to adapt the current pull request for the stop on removal on RC522. I plan to realign with the branch once the stop on removal feature becomes more mature.

Thanks a lot to the community for this great project !

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Hallo zusammen,
erst einmal danke für das klasse Projekt, mein Sohn wird sich drüber freuen .

Habe 9mm Multiplex genommen mit einem Rpi 3.
Auf meiner kleinen Adruino CNC graviert.

Habe momentan noch das Problem das der Pi alle 10 bis 30 Minuten unerwartet von alleine runter fährt, kann es mit dem Shutdown Button zusammen hängen?

Viele Grüße

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My box is finally ready and the kids love it! Many thanks to the community for this great project!


@ZyanKLee ZyanKLee closed this as completed Mar 5, 2021
Repository owner locked and limited conversation to collaborators Mar 5, 2021

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