Tracking label for the PR review team.
Control-related feedback.
Issue assigned to topic owner.
Topic owner notified of update to issue.
Spam, rant, or violates Microsoft's code of conduct.
PR is being processed and awaiting review/approval.
Topic has missing, outdated, unclear, confusing info, or has broken functionality.
Topic could benefit from additions/improvements, but customer is not blocked.
Request to contribute, or collaborate on, a new topic.
Topic exists that addresses issue but customer could not find.
Not topic feedback. General Docs platform feedback.
Duplicates other feedback.
Issue has been triaged by engineering team responsible.
Not topic feedback. Direct customer to Microsoft product/support forum or StackOverflow.
Topic has high page views.
Positive feedback, praise, thanks, etc.
Topic has a localization/globalization issue.
Customer to provide more information. Issue assigned to the customer who filed the issue.
Topic is in the top 25% of page views for the repo or was first published in the preceding 45 days.
Topic is in the second 25% of page views for the repo.
Topic is in the bottom 50% of page views for the repo or was not created via Feedback control.
Not topic feedback. Direct customer to product feedback process.
Not topic feedback. Direct customer to product feedback process.
PR does not require review by the editors.
PR requires review by the editors against the PR checklist.
PR is ready to merge into specified branch.