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HackNexus 2024 was an epic journey that brought together developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to collaborate, innovate, and learn. Here's a quick recap of the event:
- 🗓️ Duration: 7 days
- 🧑🏫 Speakers: 9 incredible experts
- 🙌 Total Registrations: 300+ participants
- 🔥 Merged PRs: 50+
- 👥 Active Contributors: 20+
Each of our 7 speakers captivated the audience with their unique titles and topics:
- Version Control with Git: Srinjay
- Data Science Demystified with ML: Debaditya Som and Aditya Ghosh
- Building Minimal API with .NET: Aditya Seth
- Web Dev 101 - Introduction to PHP and MySQL: Abhishikta Ray
- Building React Js and Tailwind CSS: Parna Roy Chowdhury
- Mastering Next Js: Shinjan Saha and Komal Agarwal
- Bash Scripting: Rajdeep Saha
Dive into the treasure trove of knowledge shared during HackNexus 2024:
Let's keep the spirit of collaboration alive and build a brighter tech future, together! 💻✨