This is a project that was realised during studies in the Warsaw University of Technology. This app stores database of different CD's with different genres music.
The Form1 contains a mockup of a window application.
In the following method there are:
- creating variables to which the values of text fields are given
- adding our data to the table dataGridView is a way to display data using a table
Here is the deletion of all data:
This method is for deleting the selected row; deletion is done using the index:
In the fields you need to enter the data for the plates. Then you need to click the Add data button:
Database of 10 discs (you can navigate in the tables using the arrow keys on the keyboard):
You can save this database by going to the "File" tab, clicking "Save" and selecting a location for the database file:
You can also delete a selected row. To do this, select a row, click on the first element of that row, then click the "Delete selected" button:
You can also delete all data. To do this, click on the "Delete data" button:
To open a file you need to click "File", "Open" and select the file:
To sort the data by "author", you need to click at the top of the table where it says "author" so that an arrow appears, and then you need to click on that arrow so that the authors column is sorted alphabetically:
Example database inside: