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Lua libraries

Vetle Hjelle edited this page Dec 19, 2021 · 1 revision

To make it a lot easier to automate games there are Lua libraries distributed with RaCMAN for some games. These libraries can make it easier to work with game objects, player position, player items, etc. Support across the games highly depend on the game and effort put into the libraries and/or state of game reverse engineering/decompilation.

Libraries are automatically loaded as your Lua automation is loaded. You do not need to import or require any library files from the mods/libs/ folder.

Standard libraries

Standard libraries are loaded for all Lua automations and can be found under mods/libs/standard/. Files in subfolders are not loaded and will need to be imported/required from a Lua file directly in that folder.

middleclass library

The middleclass library is loaded for all Lua automations to provide object-orientation for Lua. You can find documentation for it here.

Game libraries

Game libraries are loaded when there are relevant libraries to load for the current game. You will find game libraries in mods/libs/<GAME_ID>/. As with standard libraries, only files directly under this folder will automatically load. Look in the sidebar to find documentation of what's available in each game.