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Game patches

MichaelRelaxen edited this page Feb 12, 2022 · 1 revision

Game patches

Game patches are loaded while the game is running. They can be simple patches that mildy change the code flow or advanced patches with multiple blobs of code. Patches for each supported game can be found on disk under mods/<GAME TITLE ID>/. A patch in the game patch folder is only loadable and visible in the patch loader window if has patch.txt in it. Patch files have directives for meta data as well as patch data and references.

Game patches can be loaded and unloaded on-demand while the game is running. RaCMAN does this by storing what's currently in the patch addresses when you open the patch loader window. When you deactivate a patch, RaCMAN restores the original address values.


Metadata tags start with #- and are key value seratated by : and may look like this:

#- name: My Cool Mod

Metadata tags

name: Name of the patch, which shows up as the patch name in the GUI.
author: Name of the person/team who made it
version: Version of your mod/patch.
description: Description of your thing.
href: Link to project page or author page.
unloadable: Set to false if you don't want the user to be able to unload the patch without restarting the game. On by default.


Patches are hex addresses and either references to blobs or patch values. Example under:

0x97C7E8: 0x489804CB
0x981000: input.bin

First patch is at address 0x97C7E8 with patch value 0x489804CB. This means that the value 0x489804CB will replace the current content of what's at address 0x97C7E8. The second patch puts all of the content of the file input.bin into memory starting at the specified address.


To add a comment to patch.txt a new line must start with # and not be directly followed by a - (that would make it a metadata tag). Comments are not parsed, they are just wild thoughts you can add to the configuration file to remind your future self (or others) what the fuck you where thinking.