This repository contains all the code needed to build and run the War of Conquest server. The source code is provided under the GPLv3 license. Below you’ll find a FAQ followed by setup and usage instructions.
A. The server code for the “new” War of Conquest (2016) has been made open source under the GPLv3 license. This means you can redistribute it, modify it, and use it for commercial or non-commercial purposes, subject to the terms of the GPLv3 license.
A. The War of Conquest client has not been made open source. It contains and depends on a lot of code, graphics, 3D models, and other assets that are not open source, and so I do not have the right to distribute them. The War of Conquest client will not be developed any further, so if you would like to run a server you will need to ensure that it remains compatible with the existing War of Conquest client. Alternatively, you can develop your own new client. This would allow you the freedom to modify the server code without being limited to maintaining compatibility with the existing client. If you are interested in doing this, a good place to start would be the client/ directory in the GitHub repository. This contains the client C# source files that I wrote and so am able to make open source. It also contains the Unity scene file, and many of the graphics files that I have the rights to share. It is, however, missing many files that I don't have the right to share, so it is nowhere near ready to build and run. It's made available as a strating point for your own project.
A. The rights to further develop the original War of Conquest were licensed to Kete Games in 2011. From what I understand they have recently resumed work on an updated version of classic War of Conquest. Neither the original War of Conquest client nor server are being made open source, and neither of them are available for licensing or purchase.
A. No. The rights to develop the original War of Conquest client and server are currently licensed to Kete Games. The new War of Conquest server has been made open source under the GPLv3 license. The new War of Conquest client is not being sold or open sourced, though I will make some of its source code available to anyone interested in developing a new client.
Q. Can I run a War of Conquest server that continues with the world state of one of the “official” servers?
A. No, the databases for the “official” War of Conquest servers contain lots of personal information, such as e-mail addresses and security questions, that it would not be in good faith for me to resell or distribute. If you would like to run a War of Conquest server, it will need to be a new game world starting from scratch, with no previously existing player accounts.
A. I’d be glad to answer the occasional question should you run into a problem. That said, you will need some computer expertise to set up and run a War of Conquest server, and especially if you are looking to modify its source code. I will not hold hands during this process or provide support once a server is running. Between Google, Slashdot, and new tools like ChatGPT, there are plenty of resources for someone knowledgeable about computers to solve whatever problems might come up.
A. You can use the War of Conquest trademark if your server is compatible with the War of Conquest client. If you’ve created your own custom client to work with your customized server, you’ll need to come up with a different name.
A. War of Conquest has some deep game balance issues that I haven’t managed to resolve. It’s an open world game where skill and effort, as well as a bit of luck, lead to success, and where success for some players means failure for others. The result is that the largest teams – especially when they have the most time to play and the most devices to play on, and sometimes when they discover the newest tricks and loopholes – are able to completely dominate the game, making it very little fun for other players. This dynamic has driven away most players, and makes the game largely unappealing to new players. I haven’t succeeded in solving this problem, though I tried hard for several years. What’s more, negativity seems to thrive among the player base of WoC, with harassment, bullying, and threats being commonplace. I don’t want anything to do with that. Finally, my interests have just moved on to other things. However, War of Conquest still seems to be enjoyable, and even meaningful, to a handful of players, so rather than shut it down completely I’m open sourcing the server so that others can run their own game worlds, and maybe find solutions to these game balance and community problems.
- Install the latest Java JDK and JRE from here: Make sure the locations of the java and javac commands have been added to your path, so that they are available at the command line.
- Download the required .jar files for common Java libraries. These files are:
- json-simple-1.1.1.jar
- mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar
- finj-1.1.5.jar
- commons-codec-1.10.jar
- ij.jar
They are included in the repository, or can be downloaded from these URLs:
Once downloaded, create a directory server/java libs/ and copy the .jar files into that directory. The compile script, compile.bat, adds that directory to the class path so that the compiler knows to look in it for the .jar files. 3. From a command line, cd to the “server” directory and run compile.bat. This will compile the server code. The compiled .class files will be located in the WOCServer subdirectory. These are the .class files you will want to copy into the WOCServer subdirectory on your game server machine, later.
First you will need to have space on a cloud server where you can run Java, a web server, and Php, as well as MySQL. I went to (now and set up a 4GB dedicated instance running the Ubuntu operating system. (These currently cost $36 / month as of August 2023.) I then performed the following steps. (Note that this was done in 2016, so you may need to adapt some of these steps.)
- Create a Linode instance. ( Putty can be used to access it via ssh. Take note of the IP address you will need to access it via Putty (command line) and SFTP (for uploading/downloading files).
- Deploy Ubuntu, the most recent stable version, and take note of the root user password.
- Boot the server instance.
- Turn on automatic weekly backups for the server, if you’d like.
- Connect using Putty (ssh). Log in as root, using password.
- Follow the guides to create a host name, set time zone, and create a non-root user. Take note of the non-root user’s username and password, this is what you will most often be logging in as, via ssh.
- Set up the Apache web server. (the web server is used to enable access to log files over the web, as well as letting players change usernames and passwords.)
- Install MySQL, create user (eg. “wocDBuser”), and take note of the MySQL root password.
- FileZilla can be used to SFTP files to the server, using the server’s non-root admin username and password, and IP address, on port 22.
- Install Java8 as described here:
- Install the War of Conquest server files in home/admin/server/. Create the directory home/admin/server, and within it create these subdirectories:
- home/admin/server/generated/
- home/admin/server/generated/backup/
- home/admin/server/generated/backup/daily/
- home/admin/server/generated/backup/monthly/
- home/admin/server/generated/backup/weekly/
- home/admin/server/generated/clientmaps/
- home/admin/server/generated/log/
- home/admin/server/generated/moderators/
- home/admin/server/generated/nationlog/
- home/admin/server/generated/publiclog/
- home/admin/server/generated/ranks/
- home/admin/server/images/
- home/admin/server/WOCServer/
Within the “WOCServer” subdirectory directory, copy in all of the War of Conquest server .class files. Within the home/admin/server/ directory, copy in all the .tsv and .json files, and the map .png files, as well as Within the home/admin/server/images/ directory, upload all of the image files from that directory in the repository.
- Make executable using “sudo chmod +x”. It can now be run using: “./”
- The War of Conquest server also depends on a few common java libraries. These .jar files are:
- json-simple-1.1.1.jar
- mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar
- finj-1.1.5.jar
- commons-codec-1.10.jar
- ij.jar
They are included in the repository, or can be downloaded from these URLs:
Once downloaded, you need to tell Java where to find them when the server is run. Depending on the version of Java you’ve installed, that either means simply copying those .jar files into the Java install’s ext directory (/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/jre/lib/ext), or for more recent versions, you may need to copy the .jar files into the server/ directory and then modify the script to add those files to the class path, something like this:
java -cp .:json-simple-1.1.1.jar:mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar:finj-1.1.5.jar:commons-codec-1.10.jar:ij.jar -Xms512m -Xmx2048m WOCServer.WOCServer
- Before running the server, you must create the databases and grant the server’s mysql user (wocDBuser in this example) all permissions to those databases:
- mysql -u root -p (then enter MySQL root password when prompted)
- create database ACCOUNTS;
- create database WOC1;
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ACCOUNTS.* TO 'wocDBuser'@'localhost';
- GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON WOC1.* TO 'wocDBuser'@'localhost';
- Xvfb must be installed, to provide a virtual frame buffer for the imagej library, which is used to generate the UI map image:
- sudo apt-get install xvfb
(For more info:
- Install Php on your server, as described here:
- Upload the contents of the repository's "server/html/" directory into your server's public web directory (for example, typically something like "/var/www/html"). Then create the following subdirectories within that web directory:
- generated/clientmaps/
- generated/publiclogs/
- generated/ranks/
- To prevent MySQL connections from timing out after the default 8 hours of inactivity, make a copy of etc/mysql/mysql.cnf named etc/mysql/my.cnf (if done by FTP, log in as root so it’s editable), and add the following to it:
Also add:
max_allowed_packet = 500M
On the server that hosts the player account MYSQL DB, which must be accessed remotely, int the file etc/mysql/my.cnf, comment out (place # before) the line “bind-address =”, if it is present. Doing so will allow remote connections. (Note that if you're running just one WoC server, you'll likely want to host the player DB on that same game server. If you run more than one WoC server, it's up to you whether you want each one to have its own player DB, or if you'd like to host one shared player DB on one of your servers and have all of them use that one player DB. That would allow all of your game worlds to share the same set of player accounts.)
Then enter the command “sudo service mysql restart” to restart mysql.
- Install and use Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) as described here: The following commands are needed to add rules that open the necessary ports:
- sudo ufw allow 2001
- sudo ufw allow http
- sudo ufw allow https
- sudo ufw allow ssh
The following rule only needs to be added if you are running multiple game servers that use the same player account database: On the server hosting the account DB, open the MySQL port to only the IP addresses of the other WoC servers. Eg.:
- sudo ufw allow from to any port 3306
Then enable ufw:
- sudo ufw enable
You can see all active rules like so:
- sudo ufw status
For security, activate Fail2Ban on the server (to temp ban after 3 failed attempts to log in to ssh) following instructions here: Default configuration is fine.
If your server is intended to work with the official War of Conquest client, you will need to let me know the IP address of your new server so that I can add it to the list of server options that the client will display to players. You can email me at [email protected]. I will then give you the server_id number that you can set in the config.json file (see below; each War of Conquest server that works with the official client must have its own unique ID).
There are serveral changes that will need to be made in the new server’s server/config.json file:
- Change the server_id, to the number given to you in the previous step.
- Set account_db_url to the MySQL url of your new server (or the server where your account DB will be located, if that's not the same server), for example jdbc:mysql://localhost/?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false or jdbc:mysql://
- Set the account_db_user and account_db_pass to the username and password for your MySQL account database.
- Set the game_db_url to the MySQL url of your new server, for example jdbc:mysql://localhost/?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false
- Set the game_db_user and game_db_pass to the username and password for your MySQL game database. (This will be the same as for the account databse, unless the account DB is located on a different server.)
- Set the public_gen_dir to the relative location of the generated/ subdirectory in the web html directory, for example "../../../var/www/html/generated/".
- Set the private_gen_dir to the relative location of the server/gerenated/ directory, which should simply be "generated/".
- If you'd like to automatically upload regular backups to a different server via FTP, set the ftp_host, ftp_username and ftp_password to the FTP information for that backup server.
- You can also try out changes to the various gameplay related setting in this file, such as the level limits for different areas of the map or the amount of orb payout per day, either now or later.
- To Find out the PID of a Java process, use the command “ps -el|grep java” The 4th column in the output is the PID. Or, just use “jps” which comes with the JDK.
- To kill a Java process that has hung and output the stack of each thread to a text file, use the command “kill -3 > kill.txt” NOTE: This doesn’t seem to kill it, but in screen, it lists the stack trace for threads. To scroll up in screen hit ctrl+a then esc (to enter copy mode) then use arrow keys to scroll. (On my laptop, it’s ctrl+fn+right-shift)
- To capture heap dump: “jmap -dump:live,file=<file-path.hprof> ”
- To restore server DB from backup: I can use the unzip command to unzip the backup file in place, then use cp to copy it up:
- cp backup.sql ../../../ Copy or upload backup.sql int the dir I will run mysql from. Then:
- mysql -u root -p [enter root password]
- use WOC1;
- source backup.sql;
- To monitor network traffic: Log on as root, run iftop and glances.
- Log in as root user.
- Run command: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
- This may also update the Java JVM, which may remove the ext .jar files you’ve installed. To fix this, FTP to the server (using the root username) and upload the .jar files into /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/lib/ext. These include:
- commons-codec-1.10.jar
- finj-1.1.5.jar
- ij.jar
- json-simple-1.1.1.jar
- mysql-connector-java-5.1.46.jar
- Before running the server, type “screen”. Cd to the “server” directory. Then start the server with “./”. Before closing the ssh session, detach the server program from the session using ctrl+a followed by ‘d’. Then you can close the session and come back later. When you come back, you can re-attach to the server program using “screen -dr”. If you want to kill a screen session, you can re-attach to it and then type ctrl+a followed by ‘k’. (Note: the “screen” tool allows a command line session, with the server running, to continue running even though you’re no longer connected to it via ssh. Without using screen, the command line sessions, and so the WoC server, would stop running as soon as you disconnect your ssh connection.)
- Once the server is running, at the command line, you can input various commands to tell the server what to do. The “help” command will list all of these for you. (Alternatively, you can look through the source file, where all the commands are defined.) Some commands take parameters. Commands that take more than one parameter require that they be separated with the | character. For example, “rename_nation old=StarSeeker|new=StarWarrior”
- Before players can use the server, it needs to have a world landscape. There are three parts to this process. First, you can have the server generate an image file that specifies where land and water will go, and where resources will be placed. This is done using the “generate_landscape” command. (You can have the server generate a random landscape image in this way, or you can use the provided landgen_with_orbs.png. Or, you can create this image file by hand in a paint program, but it’s a lot of work.) Then, in a paint program, you can touch up the image, and add dots of particular colors to represent the positions of the orbs. Finally, you load the landscape into the server’s database using the “load_landscape” command.
For example, use the command “generate_landscape w=2000|h=1500|seed=5013|border=250” to generate a landscape image with dimensions 2000x1500, and a border of water 250 wide, using random seed 5013 (each random seed will produce a different landscape.) “Generate_ladscape_set” can be used to create several different images so that you can choose a seed you prefer from them. Load the image into a paint program such as Gimp and add pixels representing Orbs, along with making any modifications to the landscape or resource placement you would like. (It’s a good idea to make these changes on a higher layer, so that you always have the original you can go back to.) Choose a leftmost x position where the level 1 nation area will start, making sure there’s a good amount of land just to the east of it and none to the west. Export this modified image to a png file with a name such as “landgen_with_orbs.png”.
In the same way, you’ll need to make a number of small maps to use as home islands, or else use the included map_2.png through map_16.png.
Next, you’ll use the load_landscape command to load the landscape from the image file into the database. When you start a run of the server where you will be using the load_landscape or generate_map commands, start it this way:
- xvfb-run ./
That enables xvfb’s virtual frame buffer, which is necessary for those commands.
To load the main landscape from a file named landgen_with_orbs.png, you would use this command:
- load_landscape id=1|file=landgen_with_orbs.png|really=1
You then need to load the various home island landscapes, as follows:
- load_landscape id=2|file=map_2.png (Do this for map IDs 2 through 16, if using that many different home island images.)
Finally, you’ll need to generate the map image that is displayed on the client, using this command:
- generate_map file=landgen_800_400_5000.png
- In the server’s config.json file change the min_level_limit to the left-most x position on the map that you want level 1 players to be able to start at, as you determined in the previous step.
- You can now run the new game server using screen (as described above), test it, and then let in players!
Because the War of Conquest client makes use of code, images, sounds, music, 3d models and other assets that I do not own the rights to, I cannot make the full client open source. I have however made open source the code and assets that I do have the rights to distribute. These can be found in the client/ directory of the GitHub repository. This is just a starting point; because so many files are missing, it is nowhere near being able to build and run. To turn this into a working client, you would need to know your way around Unity and be able to integrate replacement assets, or else eliminate references to, everything that's missing. Alternatively, you can create your own original client using whatever software framework you'd like, and just use the provided client code as a reference for how to communicate with the server, how the client displays the 3D map, and so on.
Here is a list of assets available through the Unity Asset Store that are used by the War of Conquest client, but that I cannot distribute in this repository because I do not own the rights to them. Note that some of these assets, as used in the WoC client, have been modified from their original form.
- Texture Utility (Allebi)
- 2DxFX: 2D Sprite FX (Vetasoft)
- Highlight Glow System (3y3net)
- Inventory Plus (3y3net)
- AQUAS Lite
- Stonehenge (Blex)
- Blue Button Fantasy GUI
- Stone Wall Pack (Zug Zug Art)
- Cannon Pack (Belias)
- Coconut Palm Tree (Focus3D)
- Construction Site 1 (Kado 3D)
- Crystal and Gems (DzenGames)
- Easy Mobile Pro
- Cross Platform Native Plugins
- Steamworks.NET
- Fantasy Monster Pack #5 (StudioEZ)
- Beautiful Transitions (Flip Web Apps)
- Flying Saucer (Tiger Shark Studios)
- Genie (3dFoin)
- URP - Ghost Shaders (Ciconia Studio)
- Http Client (Clayton Industries)
- I2 Localization (Inter Illusion)
- Isometric Village 3D
- Listbox (Orbcreation)
- Low Poly Sci Fi Modular Structures (Kado 3D)
- Lowpoly Crystals
- Magical (Hardworker Studios)
- Magical - Pro Edition (Hardworker Studios)
- Magical Effects (Botumys)
- Mining, Ore, Ingots, & Minerals Kit (Shadowball Games)
- Ultimate VFX (Mirza Beig)
- Fire & Fog MEGABundle 01 (NeatWolf)
- Particle Ribbon (Moonflower Carnivore)
- Paymentwall Unity SDK
- Vectrosity (Starscene Software)
- Procedural Lightning (Digital Ruby)
- QuickEdit: Mesh Editor (Procore)
- Ballistic Projectile Helper (Fairuz)
- Gas Storage Pack (psr)
- Better Rocks and Cliffs (Quantum Theory)
- Rabid Assault Mech (Daniel Cole)
- Detailed Radio Tower (Too Tidy Labs)
- Satellite Dish (RK Assets)
- Sci-Fi Turret & Effects (Maungers)
- 10 Simple Weapons
- Skulls Megapack / Low Poly (Brainbox)
- Sky5X One (RKD)
- Snake Head (Statue/Passage/Gate/Lair Entrance) (Deleon)
- Standard Assets 2018.4 | Check out Starter Assets: First Person & Third Person
- Super Mountain Collection (Super Game Tools)
- Technical Laboratory: Reactor (Nick Stenton)
- Ancient Temple (3DMONDRA)
- TextMesh Pro
- New UI Widgets (Ilia Novikov)
- 3DRT - Wargear Turrets (3DRT)
- World War II - American Plane (WalterLima3D)
- Low-Poly Tanks (A. Olsen 'n Stuff)