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german translation, see emsesp#2020
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MichaelDvP committed Sep 18, 2024
1 parent 1235ea8 commit 3fa18e2
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/locale_translations.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpTr5, "hptr5", "compressor inlet temperature (TR5)", "Kompress
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpTr6, "hptr6", "compressor outlet temperature (TR6)", "Kompressorausgang (TR6)", "Compressor uitgangstemperatuur (TR6)", "Kompressor utloppstemp (TR6)", "temperatura na wyjściu sprężarki (TR6)", "kompressor utløpstemp (TR6)", "température sortie compresseur (TR6)", "ısı pompası çıkış sıcaklığı (TR6)", "temperatura di uscita del compressore (TR6)", "výstupná teplota kompresora (TR6)")
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpTr7, "hptr7", "refrigerant temperature gas side (condenser input) (TR7)", "Kältemittel (gasförmig) (TR7)", "Temperatuur koudemiddel gasvormig (TR7)", "Köldmedium temperatur gassida (kondensorinlopp) (TR7)", "temperatura czynnika chłodniczego po stronie gazu (wejście skraplacza) (TR7)", "kjølemedium temperatur gassida (kondensatorinløp) (TR7)", "température réfrigérant côté gaz (sortie condensateur) (TR7)", "kondenser giriş sıcaklığı (TR7)", "temperatura refrigerante lato gas (ingresso condensatore) (TR7)", "teplota chladiva na strane plynu (vstup kondenzátora) (TR7)")
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpTl2, "hptl2", "air inlet temperature (TL2)", "Außenlufteintrittstemperatur (TL2)", "Temperatuur luchtinlaat (TL2)", "Luftintagstemperatur (TL2)", "temperatura wlotu powietrza (TL2)", "luftinntakstemperatur (TL2)", "température entrée air (TL2)", "hava giriş sıcaklığı (TL2)", "temperatura ingresso aria (TL2)", "teplota prívodu vzduchu (TL2)")
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpPl1, "hppl1", "low pressure side temperature (PL1)", "Niederdruckfühler (PL1)", "Temperatuur lage drukzijde (PL1)", "Temperatur Lågtryckssidan (PL1)", "temperatura po stronie niskiego ciśnienia (PL1)", "temperatur lavtrykksiden (PL1)", "température côté basse pression (PL1)", "düşük basınç tarafı sıcaklığı (PL1)", "temperatura lato bassa pressione (PL1)", "teplota na strane nízkeho tlaku (PL1)")
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpPh1, "hpph1", "high pressure side temperature (PH1)", "Hochdruckfühler (PH1)", "Temperatuur hoge drukzijde (PH1)", "Temperatur Högtryckssidan (PH1)", "temperatura po stronie wysokiego ciśnienia (PH1)", "Temperatur Høytrykksiden (PH1)", "température côté bhauteasse pression (PH1)", "yüksek basınç tarafı sıcaklığı (PH1)", "temperatura lato alta pressione (PH1)", "teplota na strane vysokého tlaku (PH1)")
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpPl1, "hppl1", "low pressure side temperature (PL1)", "Niederdrucktemperatur (PL1)", "Temperatuur lage drukzijde (PL1)", "Temperatur Lågtryckssidan (PL1)", "temperatura po stronie niskiego ciśnienia (PL1)", "temperatur lavtrykksiden (PL1)", "température côté basse pression (PL1)", "düşük basınç tarafı sıcaklığı (PL1)", "temperatura lato bassa pressione (PL1)", "teplota na strane nízkeho tlaku (PL1)")
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpPh1, "hpph1", "high pressure side temperature (PH1)", "Hochdrucktemperatur (PH1)", "Temperatuur hoge drukzijde (PH1)", "Temperatur Högtryckssidan (PH1)", "temperatura po stronie wysokiego ciśnienia (PH1)", "Temperatur Høytrykksiden (PH1)", "température côté bhauteasse pression (PH1)", "yüksek basınç tarafı sıcaklığı (PH1)", "temperatura lato alta pressione (PH1)", "teplota na strane vysokého tlaku (PH1)")
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpTa4, "hpta4", "drain pan temp (TA4)", "Kondensatorwanne (TA4)", "Temperatuur condensorafvoerbak (TA4)", " (TA4)", "temperatura ociekacza (TA4)", "kondens temperatur (TA4)", " (TA4)", "tahliye sıcaklığı (TA4)", "temperatura condensatore (TA4)", "teplota vypúšťacej misky (TA4)") // TODO translate
MAKE_TRANSLATION(hpTw1, "hptw1", "reservoir temp (TW1)", "DHW Reservoir (TW1)", "(TW1)", "(TW1)", "temperatura zbiornika (TW1)", "(TW1)", "(TW1)", "(TW1)", "(TW1)", "teplota zásobníka (TW1)") // TODO translate

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