Ray Tracer in Python based on Jamis Buck's Ray Tracing Challenge. As a courtesy, I would appreciate it if you email me first at [email protected] before using this code.
Obviously a version of python 3 is required. The code has been tested on version 3.9.13. You can check your version of python by running
python --version
This can be done by cloing the repo using
git clone https://github.com/Michael-MD/Ray-Tracer-in-Python.git
or simply zipping and download directly from github. You'll need some standard packages such as numpy and tqdm. I haven't included a requirements file since these are common packages and you likely have them already.
All the necessary parts of the ray-tracer are imported into a single file called ray_tracer.py in the root directory. Ensure that you're project has access to the ray-tracer root directory and import it using
from ray_tracer import *
This imports all patterns, shapes, lights etc.
The render is written using oop so multiple instances of the render can be defined in a single file. To render a scene instantiate the world() class
w = world()
Shapes can be added to w using
s = sphere()
Now you are free to import objects into your scene. To import a primitive, for example a plane:
floor = plane()
The other primitives as of writing this document are:
- cone
- cube
- cylinder
- double_nabbed_cone
- group
- plane
- sphere
- triangle
- obj_model
obj_model expects an obj file. The class which reads the obj file is buggy so it should be replaced with a proper class but the one here does the job. Additional notes:
- trangles are mostly useful only for models.
- cylinder by default by default is capped and extends infinitly in both directions, this can be set by setting the min and max attributes. Removing caps from the cylinder is controlled using the isclosed boolean attribute.
- the cone has these same properties as the cylinder
- every shape is placed at the origin with default dimensions. Everything is usually set to unity e.g. unit radius, unit length etc. A shape can be deformed using the transform attribute by assigning transformation matrices. Simple transformations can ofcourse be chained together using numpy's @ operator. The full list of transformation matrices is given in the next subsection.
Transformation matrices can be used for any object with a transform attribute. Depending on the object the transformation depends on the object under consideration.
- translation
- scaling
- rotation_x
- rotation_y
- rotation_z
- shearing
def shearing(xy,xz,yx,yz,zx,zy)
If an scene contains many items, use groups. It is easier to write and makes the ray-tracer more efficient. To see why why the render is more efficient, jump to "Bounding Boxes". A group contains a group of shapes which transform together. For example, one may define a group of three sphere's and then move them whereever they want in the scene rather than moving each sphere individually. Here is an example of using a group containing 3 spheres. For simplicity, they are all the same.
s1 = sphere()
s2 = sphere()
s3 = sphere()
g = group()
The group needs to then be added to the world class instance.
By default all shapes have a white solid color i.e. rgb = (255,255,255). This can be changed by asigning a new solid_color class to the pat atrribute of the mat attribute of the shape for example, here is a red sphere:
s = sphere()
s.mat.pat = solid_color(color(1,0,0))
Observe all colors are in the range [0,1]. For a more interesting pattern, here are some choices:
- stripe_pattern
- solid_pattern
- gradient_pattern
- ring_pattern
- checkered_pattern
- radial_gradient_pattern
- ambient = .1
- diffuse = .9
- specular = .9
- shininess = 200.
- reflective = 0.
- transparency = 0.
- refractive_index = 1.
Currently the only light available is a point light.
This is a light source which radiates in all directions. To assign a point light
w.light = point_light( position, intensity )
position: where the light is located intensity: The color of the source e.g. bright white light is color(1,1,1).
Finally, we need to add a camera to our scene.
We assign a camera to our world as follows:
cam = camera( canvas_width, canvas_height, field_of_view )
canvas_width: width of rendered image in pixels canvas_height: height of rendered image in pixels field_of_view: field of view of camera, takes some angle in radians.
To set the location of the camera
cam.transform = view_transform( from, to, up )
from: where the camera is located to: where the camera is pointing up: which direction is up, for example, if you want to take a picture with camera tilted or even upside-down!
To render the image simply include these two lines
image = render(cam, w)
To be more efficient, before calculating ray intersections with entire groups, the renderer will check if the ray intersects a axis-aligned-bounding box.
Here is an example of a file:
The code to generate this is as follows:
from ray_tracer import *
import numpy as np
tau = 2*np.pi
w = world()
# ----------------- room walls -----------------
room_walls = group()
floor = plane()
floor.mat.reflective = .5
floor.diffuse = .6
floor.mat.pat = stripe_pattern(color(16/255, 227/255, 97/255),color(227/255, 16/255, 86/255))
floor.mat.pat.transform = scaling(vector(.5,.5,.5))@rotation_y(tau/4)
left_wall = plane()
left_wall.transform = translation(vector(0,0,-10))@rotation_x(tau/4)
right_wall = plane()
right_wall.transform = translation(vector(0,0,5))@rotation_x(tau/4)
back_wall = plane()
back_wall.transform = translation(vector(-5,0,0))@rotation_z(tau/4)
ceiling = plane()
ceiling.transform = translation(vector(0,6,0))
w.objects.append( room_walls )
# ----------------- cylinder on cube -----------------
c_on_c = group()
cu = cube()
cu.transform = rotation_y(0.2*tau)@translation(vector(0,1,0))
cu.mat.pat = solid_pattern(color(227/255, 16/255, 86/255))
cu.mat.diffuse = .1
cu.mat.transparency = .8
cu.mat.specular = .1
cu.mat.reflective = .6
cu.mat.shininess = 50.
cy = cylinder()
cy.min = 2
cy.max = 4
cy.mat.pat = solid_pattern(color(35/255, 153/255, 186/255))
cy.mat.pat.translation = scaling(vector(.1,.1,.1))
c_on_c.transform = translation(vector(-1,0,0))
w.objects.append( c_on_c )
# ----------------- cone and sphere -----------------
c = cone()
c.transform = scaling(vector(1,2,1))@translation(vector(1,1,-1.5))
c.mat.pat = gradient_pattern(color(0.8,.3,.7),color(.7,.2,.3))
s1 = sphere()
s1.transform = translation(vector(1,1,1.5))
s1.mat.transparency = .9
s1.mat.diffuse = .1
s1.mat.ambient = .05
s1.mat.reflective = .95
s1.mat.refractive_index = 1.5
# ----------------- teapot -----------------
teapot = obj_model('sample_obj_files/teapot-low.obj')
teapot.transform = translation(vector(0,0,-6))@scaling(vector(.2,.2,.2))@rotation_y(-0.2*tau)@rotation_x(-tau/4)
# ----------------- set up rest of scene -----------------
w.light = point_light(point(10,3,-1), color(1, 1, 1))
cam = pinhole_camera(1920, 960, 0.2*tau)
cam.transform = view_transform(point(12,3,-3),point(0, 3, -3),vector(0, 1, 0))
image = render(cam, w)