This wants to be a SAFE, clean and easy to port implementation of the DCM algortihm.
There are many libraries out there, but this implementation as some great differences:
- removed foregn code (ofted they they bumdled with a processing interface or test code or similar)
- removed sensors code, and any dependecy on it
- as portable as possibe (should run on any architecture, x86 and ARM-cortex M4 tested)
- "drop in" as git submodule/subtree is easy
- cleaned up the sensor code
- added test for comparison with original code output (TODO: move in another projecct)
Because i wanted the repo to be just "drop in" without any clutter, test code for PC is located at
Test code for some MCU is being (slowly) developed and will be published when ready.
It is based on the code/ideas from:
- FreeIMU implementation:
- William Premerlani and Paul Bizard (paper) file:///home/mauro/Downloads/DCMDraft2.pdf
- Madgwick implementation (paper):
- Mahony original paper