The library have gathered and refined by Celeron (author).
Polymorphic component approach (not suggested for large corporations, but useful for most hobbyists): "One component" in library -> adjusted in scheme by "Value" parameter -> acquired particular footprint...
Insightful component parameters allow generate fine BOMs. Consider the "Sample Project" inside...
"Assembly drawings" are supported, since a special layer ("Top Assy") have provided in library footprints for addition assembly information.
"CeleronLib" mechanic layers have planned closely to famous "Altium CERN Library" and "Altium Unified Components" (later "Altium Vault" repositary) to simplify Footprint importing and combination.
Most components have 3D body (realistic or simplified).
Disclamer: This library is "young and growing". At the moment, it provides reliable foundation of "footprint set", "component parameters" and "general conception". It would be enlarged by new components with the lapse of time...
"Altium [CERN] ( Library" ([Torrent] (
["Altium Unified Components"] ( (AKA ["Altium Vault" repositary] ( ([Torrent] (
Altium Standard Libraries PCB ([] (
[Sergeev Altium IntLib [27.03.2014]] (
Footprint's for Altium Designer ([] (
3D Models Repositories:
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