Main differences with the Grails 2 plugin:
- no more dependency on but some code of that plugin was ported in this
- Relies on Scribejava to do most of the OAuth logic
- simplest code as possible
- easy to extend
Add the following dependencies in build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security:3.+'
compile 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security-oauth2:1.1.0'
You will also need at least one provider extension, i.e the grails-spring-security-oauth2-google
Change the version to reflect the actual version you would like to use.
You can configure the following parameters in your application.yml
. This is fully optional
active: true #whether the whole plugin is active or not
askToLinkOrCreateAccountUri: '/oauth2/ask' # The URI that is called to aks the user to either create a new account or link to an existing account
roleNames: ['ROLE_USER'] #A list of role names that should be automatically granted to an OAuth User. The roles will be created if they do not exist
Once you have an User domain class, initialize this plugin by using the init script grails init-oauth2 <domain-class-package> <user-class-name> <oauthid-class-name>
In example: grails init-oauth2 com.yourapp User OAuthID
That will create the domain class com.yourapp.oAuthID
Finally add:
static hasMany = [oAuthIDs: OAuthID]
to your user domain class.
List of known extension
- [Github] (
- Create a new plugin with
grails create-plugin spring-security-oauth2-myProvider
- Add the following plugins as dependency in
:provided 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security-core:3.+'
provided 'org.grails.plugins:spring-security-oauth2:1.1.+'
- Create a service in your plugin that extends
and implement the abstract methods. You can override the other methods for fine-tuning if needed.
Apache 2