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CMCDragonkai committed Jul 2, 2022
1 parent 070ea1d commit 8cfed3c
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Showing 2 changed files with 313 additions and 25 deletions.
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions .env.example
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,18 +6,22 @@ AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='ap-southeast-2'

# Container name
# Container registry domain
# Container repository
# ECS configuration
# ECS cluster name
# ECS service name
# ECS task definition name

# wait for a rollout
# Default ports

# Accessing ECR for and
# Path to container registry authentication file used by `skopeo`
Expand Down
324 changes: 304 additions & 20 deletions scripts/
100644 → 100755
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,29 +2,313 @@

# Deploy container service to ECS cluster

# testnet and mainnet
# uses aws to do this
if [ -z "$PK_AWS_ECS_CONTAINER" ]; then
printf '%s\n' 'Missing $PK_AWS_ECS_CONTAINER environment variable' >&2
exit 1

# use this to register a new task definition
aws ecs register-task-definition
if [ -z "$PK_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER" ]; then
printf '%s\n' 'Missing $PK_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER environment variable' >&2
exit 1

# we assume the cluster is already created
# if the cluster isn't created, then it should be done from scratch too
if [ -z "$PK_AWS_ECS_REPOSITORY" ]; then
printf '%s\n' 'Missing $PK_AWS_ECS_REPOSITORY environment variable' >&2
exit 1

# this shows the latest task definitions
aws ecs list-task-definitions \
--no-paginate \
--family-prefix polykey \
--sort DESC \
--output json
if [ -z "$PK_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION" ]; then
printf '%s\n' 'Missing $PK_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION environment variable' >&2
exit 1

# this gives us the ARN
# we need to register a task definition if we are not using
# taskDefinitionArns <- this is what we are looking at
# Create service, note that this is not stderr, this is the output of the command

# echo "Creating Cluster $PK_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER"

# aws ecs update-service \
# --cluster tf_machine-learning-cpu-batch \
# --service tf_prism-orchestrator \
# --desired-count 1 \
# --force-new-deployment
# aws ecs create-cluster \
# --cluster-name "$PK_AWS_ECS_CLUSTER" \
# --capacity-providers 'FARGATE' \
# --default-capacity-provider-strategy 'capacityProvider=FARGATE' \
# --output json

# Registering Task Definition

# aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition polykey --output json
# we want the task definition to be defined here
# and then you specify it
# is there a way to specify it
# `awsvpc` mode means it is given an IP, is it given an EIP? not sure, it needs to be registered, as for NLB, that's a separate issue

# get the role ecsTaskExecutionRole

# maybe that is sufficient to work

# # This gets the role ARN
# # but it rquires `iam:GetRole` permission, we can use this for the execution-role-arn
# # if needed, if the name doesn't suffice
# # plus it needs to exist ahead of time
# aws --profile=matrix iam get-role --role-name 'ecsTaskExecutionRole' | jq -r '.Role.Arn'
# # "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::015248367786:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",

# we don't just want to do that yet
# that leave secrest lying around

task_definition_path=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/polykey-task-definition.XXXXXX)

trap 'rm -f "$task_definition_path"' EXIT

cat > "$task_definition_path" << EOF
executionRoleArn: "ecsTaskExecutionRole"
networkMode: awsvpc
cpu: "256"
memory: "512"
cpuArchitecture: "X86_64"
operatingSystemFamily: "LINUX"
sizeInGiB: 21
image: "$PK_AWS_ECS_REPOSITORY:latest"
essential: true
command: [ "/bin/polykey", "agent", "start", "--verbose", "--format=json" ]
- containerPort: 1314
hostPort: 1314
protocol: udp
- containerPort: 1315
hostPort: 1315
protocol: tcp
- name: "PK_NETWORK"
value: testnet
- name: "PK_SEED_NODES"
value: ""
value: ""
value: "1314"
- name: "PK_CLIENT_HOST"
value: ""
- name: "PK_CLIENT_PORT"
value: "1315"
- name: "PK_NODE_PATH"
value: /srv
- name: "PK_PASSWORD"
value: abc123
logDriver: awslogs
awslogs-group: /ecs/$PK_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION
awslogs-region: $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
awslogs-stream-prefix: ecs

# This is not idempotent, this keeps creating new task definitions
# which is kind of dumb, it should only do this if nothing has changed
# but yea here we go

aws ecs register-task-definition --output json --no-cli-pager --cli-input-yaml "file://$task_definition_path"

# rm "$task_definition_path"

# # we need to see if this is used properly

# # default entrypoint is /bin/sh
# # you're going to be using `docker run image /bin/polykey`
# # so it's not an entrypoint per say
# # cause we don't have one
# # so it's better to use the full command /bin/polykey

# # aws ecs register-task-definition
# # --family "$PK_AWS_ECS_TASK_DEFINITION" \
# # --execution-role-arn "ecsTaskExecutionRole" \
# # --network-mode 'awsvpc' \
# # --container-

# # {
# # "taskDefinition": {
# # "taskDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:ecs:ap-southeast-2:015248367786:task-definition/polykey:7",
# # "containerDefinitions": [
# # {
# # "name": "polykey",
# # "image": "",
# # "cpu": 0,
# # "portMappings": [
# # {
# # "containerPort": 1314,
# # "hostPort": 1314,
# # "protocol": "udp"
# # },
# # {
# # "containerPort": 1315,
# # "hostPort": 1315,
# # "protocol": "tcp"
# # }
# # ],
# # "essential": true,
# # "command": [
# # "agent",
# # "start",
# # "--verbose",
# # "--format=json"
# # ],
# # "environment": [
# # {
# # "name": "PK_SEED_NODES",
# # "value": ""
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "PK_INGRESS_HOST",
# # "value": ""
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "PK_CLIENT_PORT",
# # "value": "1315"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "PK_INGRESS_PORT",
# # "value": "1314"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "PK_CLIENT_HOST",
# # "value": ""
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "PK_NODE_PATH",
# # "value": "/srv"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "PK_PASSWORD",
# # "value": "abc123"
# # }
# # ],
# # "mountPoints": [],
# # "volumesFrom": [],
# # "logConfiguration": {
# # "logDriver": "awslogs",
# # "options": {
# # "awslogs-group": "/ecs/polykey",
# # "awslogs-region": "ap-southeast-2",
# # "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs"
# # }
# # }
# # }
# # ],
# # "family": "polykey",
# # "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::015248367786:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole",
# # "networkMode": "awsvpc",
# # "revision": 7,
# # "volumes": [],
# # "status": "ACTIVE",
# # "requiresAttributes": [
# # {
# # "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.logging-driver.awslogs"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-awslogs"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.ecr-auth"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.19"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "ecs.capability.execution-role-ecr-pull"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "com.amazonaws.ecs.capability.docker-remote-api.1.18"
# # },
# # {
# # "name": "ecs.capability.task-eni"
# # }
# # ],
# # "placementConstraints": [],
# # "compatibilities": [
# # "EC2",
# # ],
# # "runtimePlatform": {
# # "operatingSystemFamily": "LINUX"
# # },
# # "requiresCompatibilities": [
# # ],
# # "cpu": "256",
# # "memory": "512",
# # "registeredAt": "2022-02-18T13:13:23.774000+11:00",
# # "registeredBy": "arn:aws:iam::015248367786:user/joshua.karp"
# # }
# # }

# # testnet and mainnet
# # uses aws to do this

# # use this to register a new task definition
# # aws ecs register-task-definition

# # # we assume the cluster is already created
# # # if the cluster isn't created, then it should be done from scratch too

# # # this shows the latest task definitions
# # aws ecs list-task-definitions \
# # --no-paginate \
# # --family-prefix polykey \
# # --sort DESC \
# # --output json

# # # this gives us the ARN
# # # we need to register a task definition if we are not using
# # # taskDefinitionArns <- this is what we are looking at

# # # checks for the existence of this
# # # you can also use the revision
# # # or full arn name

# # aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition polykey --output json

# # i think that's why we had to extract the version number
# # and then get it
# # and i remeber we had toe xtract some information
# # and redo it
# # so things like the port information

# # if it doesn't exist
# # you would have to get a 254 code and stderr
# # that would mean it doesn't exist
# # there's no other one
# # i guess the erro code couldbe different

# # this is idempotent (but also if you change the operation, it fails)
# # you get a CreateCluster operation Arguments on this idmepotent request are inconsistent
# # so if you want to, you would need to know if you must create the cluster from scratch
# # or is that something that must be setup prior,
# # and therefore things should just be done
# # PutClusterCapacityProviders

# # this creates the cluster
# # if already created, no issue
# # but would require it

# # if this is done before
# # it should be done the same as before

# # can use this to wait for stuff
# # aws ecs wait

# # aws ecs update-service \
# # --cluster tf_machine-learning-cpu-batch \
# # --service tf_prism-orchestrator \
# # --desired-count 1 \
# # --force-new-deployment

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