Cryptographic-quality random bytes from your operating system Extracted and adapted from urandom.nim from nim-random by Oleh Prypin
WARNING: untested on Windows, but it should work there
type Urand* = object
when defined(windows):
cryptProv: HCRYPTPROV = 0
ufile: File
# Contains the ``/dev/urandom`` file handle or, if on windows, some kind of marker, it seems
proc open*(r: var Urand)
# Opens /dev/urandom, or, on Windows, does some kind of initalization.
# Raises OSError on failure.
proc close*(r: var Urand)
# Closes /dev/urandom when not on Windows
proc urand*(r: var Urand, size: Natural): seq[uint8]
proc urand*(r: var Urand, size: static[Natural]): array[size, uint8]
# Returns a random array[size, uint8] or seq of random uint8 generated using the operating system's cryptographic source.
# Raises OSError on failure.
import urand
var ur: Urand
echo ur.urand(16)