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Places API Reference Application

Table of Contents


This project showcases retrieving places, merchant category codes, and merchant industry codes using the Places API. This application illustrates connecting to the Places API using Mastercard's OAuth library, and an OpenAPI generated client.

When you get to the part about adding APIs, you will need to add the following APIs:




A tutorial can be found here for setting up and using this service.




Application Configuration

  1. Follow this credentials quick guide to get the credentials needed to run this application
    • Be sure to add Places to your project.
    • A zip file will be downloaded automatically with your key.
  2. Take note of the given consumer key, keyalias, and keystore password given upon the project creation.
  3. Extract zip and place the .p12 file in /src/main/resources of the project.
  4. Update the properties found in /src/main/resources/

mastercard.api.base-path=, This is the URL that the application will use to connect to Mastercard. For production usage, just remove sandbox..

Below properties will be required for authentication of API calls.

mastercard.p12.path=, this refers to .p12 file found in the signing key. Place .p12 file at src\main\resources in the project folder then add the filename here. mastercard.consumer.key=, this refers to your consumer key. Copy it from "Keys" section on your project page in Mastercard Developers mastercard.keystore.alias=keyalias, this is the default value of key alias. If it is modified, use the updated one from keys section in Mastercard Developers. mastercard.keystore.pass=keystorepassword, this is the default value of key alias. If it is modified, use the updated one from keys section in Mastercard Developers.

Build and Execute

  1. Run mvn clean install from the root of the project directory.
  2. run java -jar target/location-intelligence-places-reference-app-X.X.X.jar to start the project.
    • Notice: Replace X with version of the reference app.
    • Example: java -jar target/location-intelligence-places-reference-app-1.0.0.jar
  3. Call any of the apis defined in the controller to http://localhost:8080/places/` using your favorite tool.

Reference Application Usage

  • Use the map to see locations in the sandbox.
  • click on a marker to open more information on the right panel.
  • click on right panel to center the marker on the map.

Integrating with OpenAPI Generator

OpenAPI Generator generates API client libraries from OpenAPI Specs. It provides generators and library templates for supporting multiple languages and frameworks.

See also:

OpenAPI Generator Plugin Configuration


Use Cases


These are the parameters used for the Places API. All parameters are optional.

Name Type Default Value Purpose
offset int 0 For Pagination; offset is used to offset the start of the list.
limit int 25 For Pagination; limit is used to limit the number of entities returned
sort string +merchantCategoryCode or +industryName Sorts the results + for ascending, - for descending and any property from the result.

MCC Codes

Get a paginated list of all Merchant Category Codes.

Places API URL Method Parameters Request Model Response model
/merchant-category-codes GET offset, limit, sort - PageResponseMerchantCategoryCode

Get information on a specific Merchant Category code.

PlacesAPI URL Method Parameters Request Model Response model
/merchant-category-codes/mcc-codes/{mccCode} GET - int MerchantCategoryCode

Industry Codes

Get a paginated list of all Industry Codes.

PlacesAPI URL Method Parameters Request Model Response model
/merchant-industry-codes GET offset, limit, sort - PageResponseMerchantIndustryCode

Get information on a specific Industry code.

PlacesAPI URL Method Parameters Request Model Response model
/merchant-industry-codes/industries/{industryCode} GET - string MerchantIndustryCode


Get a paginated list of places that fit the search criteria.

PlacesAPI URL Method Parameters Request Model Response model
/places/searches POST offset, limit PlaceSearchRequest PageResponsePlaceInfo

Get information on a specific Industry code.

PlacesAPI URL Method Parameters Request Model Response model
/places/{location_id} GET - int placeInfo

API Reference

Reference Application API Reference

Reference App URL Parameters Reference App Usage Places Endpoint Used
/places/search latitude, longitude, country, distanceUnit Search for all places 5 distanceUnits around lat, long /places/searches
/places/{locationId} none Lists details for a place by location id /places/{location_id}
/places/merchantCategoryCodes none Retrieves 100 Merchant Category Codes /merchant-category-codes
/places/merchantCategoryCodes/{mccCode} none Lists details about Category Code /merchant-category-codes/mcc-codes/{mccCode}
/places/merchantIndustryCodes none Retrieves 101 Merchant Industry Codes /merchant-industry-codes
/places/merchantIndustryCodes/{industryCode} none Lists details about Industry Code /merchant-industry-codes/industries/{industryCode}

Example Search Request in a rest client (or browser) of your choice: http://localhost:8080/places/search?latitude=38.7463959&longitude=-90.7475983&country=US&distanceUnit=MILE

Places API Reference

See the API Reference page in the documentation.

API Endpoint Description
Places Search Search for locations around specific coordinates or using a large set of filterable fields
Get Places Details List all details for a location based on location id
Get Merchant Category Codes List all known Merchant Category Codes (mcc)
Merchant Category Code Search Lists details about Category Code
Get Industry codes Lists all known Industry Codes
Industry Codes Search Lists details about Industry Code


Mastercard oauth1 Signer Library

This dependency is required to properly call the API.


Link to the oauth1 library's Github

Looking for other languages?

See the code used in this application to utilize the library.

Found in /src/java/com.mastercard.placesreferenceapplciation.config.ApiClientConfiguration

ApiClient client = new ApiClient();
HttpLoggingInterceptor loggingInterceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor(logger::info);
try {
                    .addInterceptor(new OkHttpOAuth1Interceptor(consumerKey, getSigningKey()))

    return client;
} catch (Exception e) {
    logger.error("Error occurred while configuring ApiClient", e);
return client;


Acronym Meaning
mcc Merchant Category Codes


If you would like further information, please send an email to [email protected]


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Copyright © 1994-2020, All Rights Reserved by Mastercard.


A reference application for the Places API under Location Intelligence







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