About the Project This is a project that is meant to bridge the gap between students and teachers during the lockdown times We are providing a platform where students will be able to access educational Resources and content from their teachers.
How to take part The project contains a requirements.txt file that contains all the details and requirements that are needed for the project
On cloning or forking the project
Create a virtualenv and then activate it
Run pip install requirements.txt to install all the dependencies of the project to get started
Run a python manage.py makemigraitions to make reflect all the model changes of the project
Followed by a python manage.py migrate to make changes to the database
You can now run a python manage.py runserver to run a lightweight Django server and then visit to see the index page of the site
Please note that Everything on the site can be changed to provide a better way the students will get the information
Our aim is to provide a platform that connects students and their teachers so as to provide a way for the students to get information