My mac dotfiles for ZSH, with a Brew environment bootstrap.
Install via
To skip homebrew bootstrap bootstrap:
./ --skip-brew
Update via
- MacOS / zsh
- Homebrew
- gitconfig (mostly aliases, some other settings)
- Brewfile (some software I want to have installed everywhere)
- python-requirements.txt (python packages I want to have installed everywhere)
- vimrc (a few vim settings)
- zshrc (some exports and functions)
- .zsh/aliases.zsh (lots of aliases included into zshrc)
- .zsh/*.zsh (utility functions separated by category)
guessos # use nmap to guess host os
ports # show open ports on
ips # list bound ips
p xyz # ps -ef|grep xyz
mvn-outdated # list maven dependency updates
gz # gzip
gu # gunzip
gfm # git fetch; git merge
a+w # chmod a+w
f1 # awk '{print \$1}'
2png test.jpg # convert test.jpg to test.png
last_commit # how long ago was last commit on git repo
docker_prune # prune docker volumnes
randpass # generate a random password
...for inspiration and, at times, being on the receiving end of dotfile "theft"...
- Eric Farkas (
- Carlos Alexandro Becker (
- Ian Langworth (
- Wynn Netherland (
- Mathias Bynens (
- Wade Simmons (
- Roman Ožana (