Python script for batch image compression
Just drag folders or pictures intothe script.
Python 3
Pillow (如果没有安装,该脚本会自动安装 If not installed, the script will automatically install it.)
Just drag folders or pictures into the script PicCompress.py. If you drag a folder into it, the subfolders and pictures will all be compressed. Noted that the compressed files will take the place of the original files. The file name and resolution remain unchanged, and only the compression quality will be changed.
SIZE_CUT = 6 表示大于6MB的图片都会进行压缩
QUALITY = 95 表示压缩质量95,这个质量基本上就是最好的了,人像基本就是这个质量,如果要求不高可以降低到90,人眼基本看不出差距。
DEFAULT_TARGET 表示默认的压缩目标,即双击打开该脚本所要压缩的目标,可以是文件或文件夹地址。
There are two parameters at the beginning of the file:
SIZE_CUT = 6 means that pictures larger than 6MB will be compressed
QUALITY = 95 indicates that the compression quality is 95. This quality is almost the best.
DEFAULT_TARGET indicates the default compression target if you don't drag any files or folders into the script, which can be address of a file or folder.