Full Monero RPC client(Wallet AND Daemon) written in go
Client was written per docs on getmonero.org.
Running monerod with RPC enabled
go get github.com/MarinX/monerorpc
import "github.com/MarinX/monerorpc"
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a new client for Testnet
client := monerorpc.New(monerorpc.TestnetURI, nil)
// if your monerod is protected, set username/password
client.SetAuth("username", "password")
// call RPC endpoint
ver, err := client.Wallet.GetVersion()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Wallet version %d\n", ver.Version)
type Wallet interface {
// SetDaemon connects the RPC server to a Monero daemon.
SetDaemon(req *SetDaemonRequest) error
// GetBalance Return the wallet's balance.
GetBalance(req *GetBalanceRequest) (*GetBalanceResponse, error)
// GetAddress Return the wallet's addresses for an account. Optionally filter for specific set of subaddresses.
GetAddress(req *GetAddressRequest) (*GetAddressResponse, error)
// GetAddressIndex Get account and address indexes from a specific (sub)address
GetAddressIndex(req *GetAddressIndexRequest) (*GetAddressIndexResponse, error)
// CreateAddress Create a new address for an account. Optionally, label the new address.
CreateAddress(req *CreateAddressRequest) (*CreateAddressResponse, error)
// LabelAddress Label an address.
LabelAddress(req *LabelAddressRequest) error
// ValidateAddress Analyzes a string to determine whether it is a valid monero wallet address and returns the result and the address specifications.
ValidateAddress(req *ValidateAddressRequest) (*ValidateAddressResponse, error)
// GetAccount Get all accounts for a wallet. Optionally filter accounts by tag.
GetAccounts(req *GetAccountsRequest) (*GetAccountsResponse, error)
// CreateAccount Create a new account with an optional label.
CreateAccount(req *CreateAccountRequest) (*CreateAccountResponse, error)
// LabelAccount Label an account.
LabelAccount(req *LabelAccountRequest) error
// GetAccountTags Get a list of user-defined account tags.
GetAccountTags() (*GetAccountTagsResponse, error)
// TagAccounts Apply a filtering tag to a list of accounts.
TagAccounts(req *TagAccountsRequest) error
// UntagAccount Remove filtering tag from a list of accounts.
UntagAccounts(req *UntagAccountsRequest) error
// SetAccountTagDescription Set description for an account tag.
SetAccountTagDescription(req *SetAccountTagDescriptionRequest) error
// GetHeight Returns the wallet's current block height.
GetHeight() (*GetHeightResponse, error)
// Transfer Send monero to a number of recipients.
Transfer(req *TransferRequest) (*TransferResponse, error)
// TransferSplit Same as transfer, but can split into more than one tx if necessary.
TransferSplit(req *TransferSplitRequest) (*TransferSplitResponse, error)
// SignTransfer Sign a transaction created on a read-only wallet (in cold-signing process)
SignTransfer(req *SignTransferRequest) (*SignTransferResponse, error)
// SubmitTransfer Submit a previously signed transaction on a read-only wallet (in cold-signing process)
SubmitTransfer(req *SubmitTransferRequest) (*SubmitTransferResponse, error)
// SweepDust Send all dust outputs back to the wallet's, to make them easier to spend (and mix).
SweepDust(req *SweepDustRequest) (*SweepDustResponse, error)
// SweepAll Send all unlocked balance to an address.
SweepAll(req *SweepAllRequest) (*SweepAllResponse, error)
// SweepSingle Send all of a specific unlocked output to an address.
SweepSingle(req *SweepSingleRequest) (*SweepSingleResponse, error)
// RelaxTx Relay a transaction previously created with "do_not_relay":true.
RelayTx(req *RelayTxRequest) (*RelayTxResponse, error)
// Store Save the wallet file.
Store() error
// GetPayments Get a list of incoming payments using a given payment id.
GetPayments(req *GetPaymentsRequest) (*GetPaymentsResponse, error)
// GetBulkPayments Get a list of incoming payments using a given payment id, or a list of payments ids, from a given height.
// This method is the preferred method over get_payments because it has the same functionality but is more extendable.
// Either is fine for looking up transactions by a single payment ID.
GetBulkPayments(req *GetBulkPaymentsRequest) (*GetBulkPaymentsResponse, error)
// IncomingTransfers Return a list of incoming transfers to the wallet.
IncomingTransfers(req *IncomingTransfersRequest) (*IncomingTransfersResponse, error)
// QueryKey Return the spend or view private key.
QueryKey(req *QueryKeyRequest) (*QueryKeyResponse, error)
// MakeIntegratedAddress Make an integrated address from the wallet address and a payment id.
MakeIntegratedAddress(req *MakeIntegratedAddressRequest) (*MakeIntegratedAddressResponse, error)
// SplitIntegratedAddress Retrieve the standard address and payment id corresponding to an integrated address.
SplitIntegratedAddress(req *SplitIntegratedAddressRequest) (*SplitIntegratedAddressResponse, error)
// StopWallet Stops the wallet, storing the current state.
StopWallet() error
// RescanBlockchain Rescan the blockchain from scratch, losing any information which can not be recovered from the blockchain itself.
// This includes destination addresses, tx secret keys, tx notes, etc.
RescanBlockchain() error
// SetTxNotes Set arbitrary string notes for transactions.
SetTxNotes(req *SetTxNotesRequest) error
// GetTxNotes Get string notes for transactions.
GetTxNotes(req *GetTxNotesRequest) (*GetTxNotesResponse, error)
// SetAttribute Set arbitrary attribute.
SetAttribute(req *SetAttributeRequest) error
// GetAttribute Get attribute value by name.
GetAttribute(req *GetAttributeRequest) (*GetAttributeResponse, error)
// GetTxKey Get transaction secret key from transaction id.
GetTxKey(req *GetTxKeyRequest) (*GetTxKeyResponse, error)
// CheckTxKey Check a transaction in the blockchain with its secret key.
CheckTxKey(req *CheckTxKeyRequest) (*CheckTxKeyResponse, error)
// GetTxProof Get transaction signature to prove it.
GetTxProof(req *GetTxProofRequest) (*GetTxProofResponse, error)
// CheckTxProof Prove a transaction by checking its signature.
CheckTxProof(req *CheckTxProofRequest) (*CheckTxProofResponse, error)
// GetSpendProof Generate a signature to prove a spend. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not requires the destination public address.
GetSpendProof(req *GetSpendProofRequest) (*GetSpendProofResponse, error)
// CheckSpendProof Prove a spend using a signature. Unlike proving a transaction, it does not requires the destination public address.
CheckSpendProof(req *CheckSpendProofRequest) (*CheckSpendProofResponse, error)
// GetReserveProof Generate a signature to prove of an available amount in a wallet.
GetReserveProof(req *GetReserveProofRequest) (*GetReserveProofResponse, error)
// CheckReserveProof Proves a wallet has a disposable reserve using a signature.
CheckReserveProof(req *CheckReserveProofRequest) (*CheckReserveProofResponse, error)
// GetTransfers Returns a list of transfers.
GetTransfers(req *GetTransfersRequest) (*GetTransfersResponse, error)
// GetTransferByTxid Show information about a transfer to/from this address.
GetTransferByTxid(req *GetTransferByTxidRequest) (*GetTransferByTxidResponse, error)
// DescribeTransfer Returns details for each transaction in an unsigned or multisig transaction set.
DescribeTransfer(req *DescribeTransferRequest) (*DescribeTransferResponse, error)
// Sign a string.
Sign(req *SignRequest) (*SignResponse, error)
// Verify a signature on a string.
Verify(req *VerifyRequest) (*VerifyResponse, error)
// ExportOutputs Export all outputs in hex format.
ExportOutputs(req *ExportOutputsRequest) (*ExportOutputsResponse, error)
// ImportOutputs Import outputs in hex format.
ImportOutputs(req *ImportOutputsRequest) (*ImportOutputsResponse, error)
// ExportKeyImages Export a signed set of key images.
ExportKeyImages(req *ExportKeyImagesRequest) (*ExportKeyImagesResponse, error)
// ImportKeyImages Import signed key images list and verify their spent status.
ImportKeyImages(req *ImportKeyImagesRequest) (*ImportKeyImagesResponse, error)
// MakeURI Create a payment URI using the official URI spec.
MakeURI(req *MakeURIRequest) (*MakeURIResponse, error)
// ParseURI Parse a payment URI to get payment information.
ParseURI(req *ParseURIRequest) (*ParseURIResponse, error)
// GetAddressBook Retrieves entries from the address book.
GetAddressBook(req *GetAddressBookRequest) (*GetAddressBookResponse, error)
// AddAddressBook Add an entry to the address book.
AddAddressBook(req *AddAddressBookRequest) (*AddAddressBookResponse, error)
// EditAddressBook Edit an existing address book entry.
EditAddressBook(req *EditAddressBookRequest) error
// DeleteAddressBook Delete an entry from the address book
DeleteAddressBook(req *DeleteAddressBookRequest) error
// Refresh a wallet after openning.
Refresh(req *RefreshRequest) (*RefreshResponse, error)
// AutoRefresh Set whether and how often to automatically refresh the current wallet.
AutoRefresh(req *AutoRefreshRequest) error
// RescanSpent Rescan the blockchain for spent outputs.
RescanSpent() error
// StartMining Start mining in the Monero daemon.
StartMining(req *StartMiningRequest) error
// StopMining Stop mining in the Monero daemon.
StopMining() error
// GetLanguages Get a list of available languages for your wallet's seed.
GetLanguages() (*GetLanguagesResponse, error)
// CreateWallet Create a new wallet. You need to have set the argument "–wallet-dir" when launching monero-wallet-rpc to make this work.
CreateWallet(req *CreateWalletRequest) error
// GenerateFromKeys Restores a wallet from a given wallet address, view key, and optional spend key.
GenerateFromKeys(req *GenerateFromKeysRequest) (*GenerateFromKeysResponse, error)
// OpenWallet Open a wallet. You need to have set the argument "–wallet-dir" when launching monero-wallet-rpc to make this work.
OpenWallet(req *OpenWalletRequest) error
// RestoreDeterministicWallet Create and open a wallet on the RPC server from an existing mnemonic phrase and close the currently open wallet.
RestoreDeterministicWallet(req *RestoreDeterministicWalletRequest) (*RestoreDeterministicWalletResponse, error)
// CloseWallet Close the currently opened wallet, after trying to save it.
CloseWallet() error
// ChangeWalletPassword Change a wallet password.
ChangeWalletPassword(req *ChangeWalletPasswordRequest) error
// IsMultisig Check if a wallet is a multisig one.
IsMultisig() (*IsMultisigResponse, error)
// PrepareMultisig Prepare a wallet for multisig by generating a multisig string to share with peers.
PrepareMultisig() (*PrepareMultisigResponse, error)
// MakeMultisig Make a wallet multisig by importing peers multisig string.
MakeMultisig(req *MakeMultisigRequest) (*MakeMultisigResponse, error)
// ExportMultisigInfo Export multisig info for other participants.
ExportMultisigInfo() (*ExportMultisigInfoResponse, error)
// ImportMultisigInfo Import multisig info from other participants.
ImportMultisigInfo(req *ImportMultisigInfoRequest) (*ImportMultisigInfoResponse, error)
// FinalizeMultisig Turn this wallet into a multisig wallet, extra step for N-1/N wallets.
FinalizeMultisig(req *FinalizeMultisigRequest) (*FinalizeMultisigResponse, error)
// SignMultisig Sign a transaction in multisig.
SignMultisig(req *SignMultisigRequest) (*SignMultisigResponse, error)
// SubmitMultisig Submit a signed multisig transaction.
SubmitMultisig(req *SubmitMultisigRequest) (*SubmitMultisigResponse, error)
// GetVersion Get RPC version Major & Minor integer-format, where Major is the first 16 bits and Minor the last 16 bits.
GetVersion() (*GetVersionResponse, error)
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a new client for Testnet
client := monerorpc.New(monerorpc.TestnetURI, nil)
// if your monerod is protected, set username/password
client.SetAuth("username", "password")
// call RPC endpoint
block, err := client.Daemon.GetBlockCount()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Block count %d\n", block.Count)
type Daemon interface {
GenerateBlocks(req *GenerateBlocksRequest) (*GenerateBlocksResponse, error)
// GetBlockCount Look up how many blocks are in the longest chain known to the node.
GetBlockCount() (*GetBlockCountResponse, error)
// OnGetBlockHash Look up a block's hash by its height.
OnGetBlockHash(req []uint64) (string, error)
// GetBlockTemplate Get a block template on which mining a new block.
GetBlockTemplate(req *GetBlockTemplateRequest) (*GetBlockTemplateResponse, error)
// SubmitBlock Submit a mined block to the network.
SubmitBlock(req []string) (*SubmitBlockResponse, error)
// GetLastBlockHeader Block header information for the most recent block is easily retrieved with this method. No inputs are needed.
GetLastBlockHeader() (*GetLastBlockHeaderResponse, error)
// GetBlockHeaderByHash Block header information can be retrieved using either a block's hash or height.
// This method includes a block's hash as an input parameter to retrieve basic information about the block.
GetBlockHeaderByHash(req *GetBlockHeaderByHashRequest) (*GetBlockHeaderByHashResponse, error)
// GetBlockHeaderByHeight Similar to get_block_header_by_hash above.
// This method includes a block's height as an input parameter to retrieve basic information about the block.
GetBlockHeaderByHeight(req *GetBlockHeaderByHeightRequest) (*GetBlockHeaderByHeightResponse, error)
// GetBlockHeadersRange Similar to get_block_header_by_height above, but for a range of blocks.
// This method includes a starting block height and an ending block height as parameters to retrieve basic information about the range of blocks.
GetBlockHeadersRange(req *GetBlockHeadersRangeRequest) (*GetBlockHeadersRangeResponse, error)
// GetBlock Full block information can be retrieved by either block height or hash, like with the above block header calls.
// For full block information, both lookups use the same method, but with different input parameters.
GetBlock(req *GetBlockRequest) (*GetBlockResponse, error)
// GetConnections Retrieve information about incoming and outgoing connections to your node.
GetConnections() (*GetConnectionsResponse, error)
// GetInfo Retrieve general information about the state of your node and the network.
GetInfo() (*GetInfoResponse, error)
// HardForkInfo Look up information regarding hard fork voting and readiness.
HardForkInfo() (*HardForkInfoResponse, error)
// SetBans Ban another node by IP.
SetBans(req *SetBansRequest) (*SetBansResponse, error)
// GetBans Get list of banned IPs.
GetBans() (*GetBansResponse, error)
// FlushTxpool Flush tx ids from transaction pool
FlushTxpool(req *FlushTxpoolRequest) (*FlushTxpoolResponse, error)
// GetOutputHistogram Get a histogram of output amounts. For all amounts (possibly filtered by parameters), gives the number of outputs on the chain for that amount.
// RingCT outputs counts as 0 amount.
GetOutputHistogram(req *GetOutputHistogramRequest) (*GetOutputHistogramResponse, error)
// GetVersion Give the node current version
GetVersion() (*GetVersionResponse, error)
// GetCoinbaseTxSum Get the coinbase amount and the fees amount for n last blocks starting at particular height
GetCoinbaseTxSum(req *GetCoinbaseTxSumRequest) (*GetCoinbaseTxSumResponse, error)
// GetFeeEstimate Gives an estimation on fees per byte.
GetFeeEstimate(req *GetFeeEstimateRequest) (*GetFeeEstimateResponse, error)
// GetAlternateChains Display alternative chains seen by the node.
GetAlternateChains() (*GetAlternateChainsResponse, error)
// RelayTx Relay a list of transaction IDs.
RelayTx(req *RelayTxRequest) (*RelayTxResponse, error)
// SyncInfo Get synchronisation informations
SyncInfo() (*SyncInfoResponse, error)
// GetTxpoolBacklog Get all transaction pool backlog
GetTxpoolBacklog() (*GetTxpoolBacklogResponse, error)
// GetOutputDistribution Alias: None.
GetOutputDistribution(req *GetOutputDistributionRequest) (*GetOutputDistributionResponse, error)
PR's are welcome. Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for more info
Yes, client has a Do
method which accepts any struct. Example:
package main
import (
func main() {
// create a new client for Testnet
client := monerorpc.New(monerorpc.TestnetURI, nil)
// if your monerod is protected, set username/password
client.SetAuth("username", "password")
// define request / response model
var req struct{}
var res struct{}
// call RPC endpoint that is not documented
err := client.Do("rpc_method_name", &req, &req)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error from RPC endpoint", err)
Please submit an issue on github or if you know how to fix it, PR's are welcome.
I will try to update the client as per docs changes. You are free to create an issue to notify me. I dont monitor monero docs 24/7 :)