"I never knew creating Telegram bots could be so sexy!"
go get -u gopkg.in/tucnak/telebot.v2
Telebot is a bot framework for Telegram Bot API. This package provides the best of its kind API for command routing, inline query requests and keyboards, as well as callbacks. Actually, I went a couple steps further, so instead of making a 1:1 API wrapper I chose to focus on the beauty of API and performance. Some of the strong sides of telebot are:
- Real concise API
- Command routing
- Middleware
- Transparent File API
- Effortless bot callbacks
All the methods of telebot API are extremely easy to memorize and get used to. Also, consider Telebot a highload-ready solution. I'll test and benchmark the most popular actions and if necessary, optimize against them without sacrificing API quality.
Let's take a look at the minimal telebot setup:
package main
import (
tb "gopkg.in/tucnak/telebot.v2"
func main() {
b, err := tb.NewBot(tb.Settings{
Token: "TOKEN_HERE",
Poller: &tb.LongPoller{Timeout: 10 * time.Second},
if err != nil {
b.Handle("/hello", func(m *tb.Message) {
b.Send(m.Sender, "hello world")
Simple, innit? Telebot's routing system takes care of deliviering updates to their endpoints, so in order to get to handle any meaningful event, all you got to do is just plug your function to one of the Telebot-provided endpoints. You can find the full list here.
b, _ := tb.NewBot(settings)
b.Handle(tb.OnText, func(m *tb.Message) {
// all the text messages that weren't
// captured by existing handlers
b.Handle(tb.OnPhoto, func(m *tb.Message) {
// photos only
b.Handle(tb.OnChannelPost, func (m *tb.Message) {
// channel posts only
b.Handle(tb.Query, func (q *tb.Query) {
// incoming inline queries
Now there's a dozen of supported endpoints (see package consts). Let me know if you'd like to see some endpoint or endpoint idea implemented. This system is completely extensible, so I can introduce them without braking backwards-compatibity.
Telebot doesn't really care how you provide it with incoming updates, as long as you set it up with a Poller:
// Poller is a provider of Updates.
// All pollers must implement Poll(), which accepts bot
// pointer and subscription channel and start polling
// synchronously straight away.
type Poller interface {
// Poll is supposed to take the bot object
// subscription channel and start polling
// for Updates immediately.
// Poller must listen for stop constantly and close
// it as soon as it's done polling.
Poll(b *Bot, updates chan Update, stop chan struct{})
Telegram Bot API supports long polling and webhook integration. I don't really
care about webhooks, so the only concrete Poller you'll find in the library
is the LongPoller
. Poller means you can plug telebot into whatever existing
bot infrastructure (load balancers?) you need, if you need to. Another great thing
about pollers is that you can chain them, making some sort of middleware:
poller := &tb.LongPoller{Timeout: 15 * time.Second}
spamProtected := tb.NewMiddlewarePoller(poller, func(upd *tb.Update) bool {
if upd.Message == nil {
return true
if strings.Contains(upd.Message.Text, "spam") {
return false
return true
bot, _ := tb.NewBot(tb.Settings{
// ...
Poller: spamProtected,
// graceful shutdown
go func() {
<-time.After(N * time.Second)
bot.Start() // blocks until shutdown
fmt.Println(poller.LastUpdateID) // 134237
When handling commands, Telebot supports both direct (/command
) and group-like
syntax (/command@botname
) and will never deliver messages addressed to some
other bot, even if privacy mode is off.
For simplified deep-linking, telebot also extracts payload:
// Command: /start <PAYLOAD>
b.Handle("/start", func(m *tb.Message) {
if !m.Private() {
fmt.Println(m.Payload) // <PAYLOAD>
Telegram allows files up to 20 MB in size.
Telebot allows to both upload (from disk / by URL) and download (from Telegram) and files in bot's scope. Also, sending any kind of media with a File created from disk will upload the file to Telegram automatically:
a := &tb.Audio{File: tb.FromDisk("file.ogg")}
fmt.Println(a.OnDisk()) // true
fmt.Println(a.InCloud()) // false
// Will upload the file from disk and send it to recipient
bot.Send(recipient, a)
// Next time you'll be sending this very *Audio, Telebot won't
// re-upload the same file but rather utilize its Telegram FileID
bot.Send(otherRecipient, a)
fmt.Println(a.OnDisk()) // true
fmt.Println(a.InCloud()) // true
fmt.Println(a.FileID) // <telegram file id: ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11>
You might want to save certain File
s in order to avoid re-uploading. Feel free
to marshal them into whatever format, File
only contain public fields, so no
data will ever be lost.
Send is undoubteldy the most important method in Telebot. Send()
accepts a
(could be user, group or a channel) and a Sendable
. FYI, not only
all telebot-provided media types (Photo
, Audio
, Video
, etc.) are Sendable
but you can create composite types of your own. As long as they satisfy Sendable
Telebot will be able to send them out.
// Sendable is any object that can send itself.
// This is pretty cool, since it lets bots implement
// custom Sendables for complex kind of media or
// chat objects spanning across multiple messages.
type Sendable interface {
Send(*Bot, Recipient, *SendOptions) (*Message, error)
The only type at the time that doesn't fit Send()
is Album
and there is a reason
for that. Albums were added not so long ago, so they are slightly quirky for backwards
compatibilities sake. In fact, an Album
can be sent, but never received. Instead,
Telegram returns a []Message
, one for each media object in the album:
p := &tb.Photo{File: tb.FromDisk("chicken.jpg")}
v := &tb.Video{File: tb.FromURL("http://video.mp4")}
msgs, err := b.SendAlbum(user, tb.Album{p, v})
Send options are objects and flags you can pass to Send()
, Edit()
and friends
as optional arguments (following the recipient and the text/media). The most
important one is called SendOptions
, it lets you control all the properties of
the message supported by Telegram. The only drawback is that it's rather
inconvenient to use at times, so Send()
supports multiple shorthands:
// regular send options
b.Send(user, "text", &tb.SendOptions{
// ...
// ReplyMarkup is a part of SendOptions,
// but often it's the only option you need
b.Send(user, "text", &tb.ReplyMarkup{
// ...
// flags: no notification && no web link preview
b.Send(user, "text", tb.Silent, tb.NoPreview)
Full list of supported option-flags you can find here.
If you want to edit some existing message, you don't really need to store the
original *Message
object. In fact, upon edit, Telegram only requires chat_id
and message_id
. So you don't really need the Message as the whole. Also you
might want to store references to certain messages in the database, so I thought
it made sense for any Go struct to be editable as a Telegram message, to implement
// Editable is an interface for all objects that
// provide "message signature", a pair of 32-bit
// message ID and 64-bit chat ID, both required
// for edit operations.
// Use case: DB model struct for messages to-be
// edited with, say two collums: msg_id,chat_id
// could easily implement MessageSig() making
// instances of stored messages editable.
type Editable interface {
// MessageSig is a "message signature".
// For inline messages, return chatID = 0.
MessageSig() (messageID int, chatID int64)
For example, Message
type is Editable. Here is the implementation of StoredMessage
type, provided by telebot:
// StoredMessage is an example struct suitable for being
// stored in the database as-is or being embedded into
// a larger struct, which is often the case (you might
// want to store some metadata alongside, or might not.)
type StoredMessage struct {
MessageID int `sql:"message_id" json:"message_id"`
ChatID int64 `sql:"chat_id" json:"chat_id"`
func (x StoredMessage) MessageSig() (int, int64) {
return x.MessageID, x.ChatID
Why bother at all? Well, it allows you to do things like this:
// just two integer columns in the database
var msgs []tb.StoredMessage
db.Find(&msgs) // gorm syntax
for _, msg := range msgs {
bot.Edit(&msg, "Updated text.")
// or
I find it incredibly neat. Worth noting, at this point of time there exists
another method in the Edit family, EditCaption()
which is of a pretty
rare use, so I didn't bother including it to Edit()
, just like I did with
as it would inevitably lead to unnecessary complications.
var m *Message
// change caption of a photo, audio, etc.
bot.EditCaption(m, "new caption")
Telebot supports both kinds of keyboards Telegram provides: reply and inline
keyboards. Any button can also act as an endpoints for Handle()
func main() {
b, _ := tb.NewBot(tb.Settings{...})
// This button will be displayed in user's
// reply keyboard.
replyBtn := tb.ReplyButton{Text: "π Button #1"}
replyKeys := [][]tb.ReplyButton{
// ...
// And this one β just under the message itself.
// Pressing it will cause the client to send
// the bot a callback.
// Make sure Unique stays unique as it has to be
// for callback routing to work.
inlineBtn := tb.InlineButton{
Unique: "sad_moon",
Text: "π Button #2",
inlineKeys := [][]tb.InlineButton{
// ...
b.Handle(&replyBtn, func(m *tb.Message) {
// on reply button pressed
b.Handle(&inlineBtn, func(c *tb.Callback) {
// on inline button pressed (callback!)
// always respond!
b.Respond(c, &tb.CallbackResponse{...})
// Command: /start <PAYLOAD>
b.Handle("/start", func(m *tb.Message) {
if !m.Private() {
b.Send(m.Sender, "Hello!", &tb.ReplyMarkup{
ReplyKeyboard: replyKeys,
InlineKeyboard: inlineKeys,
So if you want to handle incoming inline queries you better plug the tb.OnQuery
endpoint and then use the Answer()
method to send a list of inline queries
back. I think at the time of writing, telebot supports all of the provided result
types (but not the cached ones). This is how it looks like:
b.Handle(tb.OnQuery, func(q *tb.Query) {
urls := []string{
results := make(tb.Results, len(urls)) // []tb.Result
for i, url := range urls {
result := &tb.PhotoResult{
URL: url,
// required for photos
ThumbURL: url,
results[i] = result
err := b.Answer(q, &tb.QueryResponse{
Results: results,
CacheTime: 60, // a minute
if err != nil {
There's not much to talk about really. It also support some form of authentication
through deep-linking. For that, use fields SwitchPMText
and SwitchPMParameter
of QueryResponse
- Fork it
- Clone it:
git clone https://github.com/tucnak/telebot
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Make changes and add them:
git add .
- Commit:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Pull request
I do coding for fun but I also try to search for interesting solutions and optimize them as much as possible. If you feel like it's a good piece of software, I wouldn't mind a tip!
Bitcoin: 1DkfrFvSRqgBnBuxv9BzAz83dqur5zrdTH
Telebot is distributed under MIT.