This program is supposed to be used on an attachment point of the SCIONLab network. It limits the bandwidth per IP-address for user-ASes using TC according to the configuration in the link_info.json file obtained by the SCIONLab server.
To use this program clone it to the attachment point and run
After that you are good to go. You can now use the following commands:
./sconlab_bw_limiter -h
(show help text)
./sconlab_bw_limiter -l
(limit the bandwidth)
./sconlab_bw_limiter -r
(reset bandwidth limitations)
./sconlab_bw_limiter -s
(show current TC configuration)
To be able to run this program you need Python3 and TC (iproute2) installed on your Ubuntu machine.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details
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