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Static Pose Detection

Malcolm Nixon edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 7 revisions


This page describes an approach to detecting hand poses.

Finger Position Terminology

The following are standard finger posing terms and how to detect them.

Finger Flexion

Finger Flexion is bending of a finger in towards a fist. As such it can be measured by detecting the angle from the metacarpal to the proximal joint as measured in the direction of closing the hand into a fist.

Note: an alternative measurement would be the angle of the proximal to the plane defined by the palm. This may be superior in measuring the flexion of the thumb, as thumb flexion also moves the thumbs metacarpal.

Finger Flexion of 0 degrees
image image
Finger Flexion of 90 degrees
image image

Finger Curl

Finger Curl is the bending of the finger at the intermediate and distal joints. As such it can be measured by detecting the angle from the proximal to the distal joint as measured in the direction of closing the hand into a fist.

Finger Curl of 0 degrees
image image
Finger Curl of 180 degrees
image image

Finger Abduction

Finger Abduction is the separation of fingers at the proximal joint. As such it can be measured by detecting the angle between the two selected fingers at the proximal joint as measured orthogonal to the direction of closing the hand into a fist.

Index to Middle Abduction of 0 degrees
image image
Index to Middle Abduction of 30 degrees
image image

Theory of Operation

Pose detection would occur by taking the current tracked hand pose (in the XRHandTracker) and comparing it to a set of hand-poses. The pose with the smallest error is checked against a tolerance-threshold, and if it's a good enough match, the pose is reported.

Hand Pose Rules

The hand pose would consist of a set of finger rules as follows:

  • Finger Flexion Angle:
    • Finger: [Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky]
    • Angle: [0..90] degrees
    • Tolerance: [0..90] degrees
  • Finger Curl Angle:
    • Finger: [Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky]
    • Angle: [0..180] degrees
    • Tolerance: [0..180] degrees
  • Finger Abduction Angle:
    • Finger1: [Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky]
    • Finger2: [Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky]
    • Angle: [0..90] degrees
    • Tolerance: [0..90] degrees
  • Finger Tip Distance:
    • Finger1: [Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky]
    • Finger2: [Thumb, Index, Middle, Ring, Pinky]
    • Distance: [0..200] mm
    • Tolerance: [0..200] mm

Error Calculation

Each rule in the hand pose returns an error, and the hand-pose error is the sum of the errors of each rule.

The rule error value is calculated by comparing the measured value (angle or distance) against the expected value and producing an error using the following function:

float to_error(float measured, float expected, float tolerance)
    // Reject invalid tolerances
    if (tolerance <= 0)
        return 1;

    // Calculate the distance
    float d = std::fabs(measured - expected) / tolerance;

    // Clamp to the range 0..1
    d = std::clamp(d, 0, 1);

    // Calculate smoothstep (cubic hermite) response
    return d * d * (3 - 2 * d);

This produces a smooth from 0 to 1 as the error rises to the tolerance.


Example Hand Poses



Description Type Parameters
Thumb Pointing Straight Out Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Thumb, Angle=0, Tolerance=30
Thumb Held Straight Finger Curl Angle Finger=Thumb, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Thumb Pointing Up Finger Abduction Angle Finger1=Thumb, Finger2=Index, Angle=80, Tolerance=30
Index Pointing Straight Out Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Index, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Index Held Straight Finger Curl Angle Finger=Index, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Middle Flexed In Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Middle, Angle=70, Tolerance=50
Ring Flexed In Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Ring, Angle=70, Tolerance=50
Little Flexed In Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Little, Angle=70, Tolerance=50



Description Type Parameters
Thumb Pointing Straight Out Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Thumb, Angle=0, Tolerance=30
Thumb Held Straight Finger Curl Angle Finger=Thumb, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Index Pointing Straight Out Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Index, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Index Held Straight Finger Curl Angle Finger=Index, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Middle Pointing Straight Out Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Middle, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Middle Held Straight Finger Curl Angle Finger=Middle, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Ring Pointing Straight Out Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Ring, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Ring Held Straight Finger Curl Angle Finger=Ring, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Little Pointing Straight Out Finger Flexion Angle Finger=Little, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Little Held Straight Finger Curl Angle Finger=Little, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Thumb Separated from Index Finger Abduction Angle Finger1=Thumb, Finger2=Index, Angle=80, Tolerance=30
Index Next to Middle Finger Abduction Angle Finger1=Index, Finger2=Middle, Angle=0, Tolerance=20
Middle Separated from Ring Finger Abduction Angle Finger1=Middle, Finger2=Ring, Angle=25, Tolerance=20
Ring Next to Little Finger Abduction Angle Finger1=Ring, Finger2=Little, Angle=0, Tolerance=20



Description Type Parameters
Thumb Close to Index Finger Tip Distancee Finger1=Thumb, Finger2=Index, Distance=10, Tolerance=10