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Nils Schimmelmann edited this page Mar 19, 2023 · 16 revisions

Installing MMapper


Download and run the file ending in Windows-x86.exe from the releases page.

There is a visual guide that you can follow to set up your client.


Download and run the file ending in Mac-x86_64.dmg from the website.

Drag and drop the MMapper folder into the Applications folder.

Right-click the mmapper and run Open twice to get past the security nag.


The easiest way to install MMapper on Linux is by using the AppImage.

Linux - AppImage

Download the file ending in .AppImage from the website.

chmod a+x *.AppImage

Linux - Snap

If that doesn't work, try installing snapd.

You can follow these instructions to install MMapper on your distribution:

Chrome OS

You need to be running at least Chrome OS 80 for this to work. Install the Linux app and run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
dpkg --print-architecture

Download the file ending in .deb from the website for your architecture.

Raspberry Pi

You need to have a Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 for this to work. Open a terminal and enter:

sudo raspi-config

Afterwards, navigate to the following menus:

  1. Advanced Options > Memory Split > and allocate at least 128 MB of memory to the GPU.
  2. (Raspberry Pi 3 Only) Advanced Options > GL Driver and select the GL (Fake KMS) driver.
  3. Finish > Yes

Wait for your Raspberry Pi to reboot and then follow the Debian instructions to install MMapper.

If you want to have MMapper show up in your LXDE menus you can also run the following command:

ln -sf /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/mmapper_mmapper-desktop.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
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