Releases: MSFREACH/msf-reach
Releases · MSFREACH/msf-reach
- Storage of (non-georss) web links on landing page, including requested default links as a starting point for each user.
- Changes to UX for editing events, including highlighting of fields required on event status change / suggested by AI.
- Past response editing including location.
- Support re-opening of past responses -> events.
- Support multiple sub-areas for events.
- Deletion of events, previous responses and contacts by operators.
- Private contacts and private contact sharing.
- Contact editing by operators and by the contact themselves.
- Sharing links for "public" contacts (to anyone with view access) and reports.
- Updated auto-suggestion of Twitter search terms.
- Links to tutorial videos and user manual from menu.
- Report card contact button redirects to contact entry form.
- Upload of any file type on reports.
- MSF presence data (once their server issues are resolved).
- Notifications for events, incl. markdown formatting language and attachment support.
- HOT OSM base layer.
- Prompting nearby events to avoid event duplication.
- Leaflet layer control grouping tweaks.
- Map legend.
- Event updates (incl. subscriptions)
- Multiple event types incl. editable other type.
- GDPR compliant contacts download in csv.
- Date entry and display tidy up.
- Link to sharepoint search using same (modifiable) search terms as for Twitter search.
- Inline event editing, including highlighting of fields needing review on status change, and AI suggestions.
- CIA World Factbook and other country-relevant links on event page tabs.
- UI/UX and other general improvements.
- UI elements for operators only either removed for view only users / clearly indicated.
- Time filtering and search of events on landing page.
- Bug fixes (ref. GitHub record).
chatbot integration, use pg uuid for report keys
Phase 1 feedback fixed.
phase 1 (pending feedback)