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feat(ArrayHandlers): support 1D logical array resizing, add tests
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wpbonelli committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent ddbd760 commit 41584cf
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Showing 2 changed files with 201 additions and 59 deletions.
180 changes: 157 additions & 23 deletions autotest/TestArrayHandlers.f90
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module TestArrayHandlers
use KindModule, only: I4B, DP
use KindModule, only: I4B, DP, LGP
use testdrive, only: error_type, unittest_type, new_unittest, check, test_failed
use ArrayHandlersModule, only: ExpandArray2D
use ArrayHandlersModule, only: ExpandArray, ExpandArray2D
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
implicit none
Expand All @@ -12,33 +12,150 @@ module TestArrayHandlers
subroutine collect_arrayhandlers(testsuite)
type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
testsuite = [ &
new_unittest("ExpandArray_int", test_ExpandArray_int), &
new_unittest("ExpandArray_dbl", test_ExpandArray_dbl), &
new_unittest("ExpandArray_log", test_ExpandArray_log), &
new_unittest("ExpandArray2D_int", test_ExpandArray2D_int), &
new_unittest("ExpandArray2D_dbl", test_ExpandArray2D_dbl) &
end subroutine collect_arrayhandlers

subroutine test_ExpandArray_int(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
integer(I4B), allocatable :: array(:)

! allocate array
allocate (array(2))
array(1) = 0
array(2) = 1

! resize array
call ExpandArray(array, 3)

! check that array has been resized
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 5, "1d int array resize failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

! set new array elements
array(3) = 2
array(4) = 3
array(5) = 4

! check array contents
call check(error, &
array(1) == 0 .and. &
array(2) == 1 .and. &
array(3) == 2 .and. &
array(4) == 3 .and. &
array(5) == 4, &
"1d int array repopulation failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

deallocate (array)

end subroutine test_ExpandArray_int

subroutine test_ExpandArray_dbl(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
real(DP), allocatable :: array(:)

! allocate array
allocate (array(2))
array(1) = 0.5_DP
array(2) = 0.7_DP

! resize array
call ExpandArray(array, 1)

! check that array has been resized
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 3, "1d dbl array resize failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

! set new array element
array(3) = 0.1_DP

! check array contents
call check(error, &
array(1) == 0.5_DP .and. &
array(2) == 0.7_DP .and. &
array(3) == 0.1_DP, &
"1d dbl array repopulation failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

deallocate (array)

end subroutine test_ExpandArray_dbl

subroutine test_ExpandArray_log(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
logical(LGP), allocatable :: array(:)

! allocate array
allocate (array(2))
array(1) = .true.
array(2) = .false.

! resize array
call ExpandArray(array, 1)

! check that array has been resized
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 3, "1d logical array resize failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

! set an element in the array
array(3) = .true.

! check array contents
call check(error, &
array(1) .and. &
.not. array(2) .and. &
array(3), &
"1d logical array repopulation failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

deallocate (array)

end subroutine test_ExpandArray_log

subroutine test_ExpandArray2D_int(error)
type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
integer(I4B), allocatable :: array(:, :)

! allocate array
allocate (array(2, 2))
array(1, :) = (/1, 2/)
array(2, :) = (/2, 3/)

! check initial array size
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 2)
call check(error, size(array, 2) == 2)
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 2 .and. size(array, 2) == 2)
if (allocated(error)) return

! resize array
call ExpandArray2D(array, 2, 2)
call ExpandArray2D(array, 1, 1)

! check that array has been resized
call check(error, &
size(array, 1) == 3 .and. size(array, 2) == 3, &
"2d int array resize failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

! add new array elements
array(3, :) = (/3, 4, 5/)

! check that arrays have been resized
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 4)
call check(error, size(array, 2) == 4)
if (allocated(error)) then
call test_failed(error, "2d int array not resized correctly")
end if
! check array contents
call check(error, &
array(1, 1) == 1 .and. &
array(1, 2) == 2 .and. &
array(1, 3) == 0 .and. &
array(2, 1) == 2 .and. &
array(2, 2) == 3 .and. &
array(2, 3) == 0 .and. &
array(3, 1) == 3 .and. &
array(3, 2) == 4 .and. &
array(3, 3) == 5, &
"2d int array repopulation failed")

deallocate (array)

end subroutine test_ExpandArray2D_int

Expand All @@ -48,22 +165,39 @@ subroutine test_ExpandArray2D_dbl(error)

! allocate array
allocate (array(2, 2))
array(1, :) = (/1.0_DP, 2.0_DP/)
array(2, :) = (/2.0_DP, 3.0_DP/)

! check initial array size
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 2)
call check(error, size(array, 2) == 2)
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 2 .and. size(array, 2) == 2)
if (allocated(error)) return

! resize array
call ExpandArray2D(array, 2, 2)

! check that arrays have been resized
call check(error, size(array, 1) == 4)
call check(error, size(array, 2) == 4)
if (allocated(error)) then
call test_failed(error, "2d dbl array not resized correctly")
end if
call ExpandArray2D(array, 1, 1)

! check that array has been resized
call check(error, &
size(array, 1) == 3 .and. size(array, 2) == 3, &
"2d dbl array resize failed")
if (allocated(error)) return

! set new array elements
array(3, :) = (/3.0_DP, 4.0_DP, 5.0_DP/)

! check array contents
call check(error, &
array(1, 1) == 1.0_DP .and. &
array(1, 2) == 2.0_DP .and. &
array(1, 3) == 0.0_DP .and. &
array(2, 1) == 2.0_DP .and. &
array(2, 2) == 3.0_DP .and. &
array(2, 3) == 0.0_DP .and. &
array(3, 1) == 3.0_DP .and. &
array(3, 2) == 4.0_DP .and. &
array(3, 3) == 5.0_DP, &
"2d dbl array repopulation failed")

deallocate (array)

end subroutine test_ExpandArray2D_dbl
end module TestArrayHandlers

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