is a desktop implementation of the openai API found at:
It's a Python program that should be compatible with all the major operating systems. By specifying a prompt and an output image file location, you can gererate AI images. In addition, you can specify for the output to go to your default web browser or to files or both. Furthermore, you can run image variation on an existing image file (with no prompt.)
A log file is updated with prompt and image file names.
Edit the aimgui.ini file to set default values.
256x256 | 512x512 | 1024x1024
These are the only image file sizes allowed for this model.
Before using this application Python 3.x must be installed.
Use Python >=3.7.1
make sure you're using the latest OpenAI module v1.3.3
Use the requirements.txt file to install any modules you may be missing.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will also have to Sign Up at and create an API Key. There is no cost to do so.
Before using the program you will need to set up an Environment Variable called 'GPTKEY' whoes value will be your OpenAI API Key.