An initiative to develope an interactive app which would monitor the expenses of an individual.It would have the additional features of monthly budgeting and bill splitting.
- Frontend: ReactJS
- Backend: NodeJS 12(LTS)
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID : Google Client Id for interacting with google oauth api
GOOGLE_SECRET : Google secret for interacting with google oauth api
MONGO_URI : Url to connect with MongoDB (default value: mongodb://localhost:27017/expense-track)
SECRET : Secret key to sign authentication tokens. ( default value: 'secret')
PORT : port to run the server (default value: 5000 )
- Fork and Clone the repo using
git clone
cd TracBucks
- Install dependencies using
npm install && npm install --prefix client
- Running both server and client concurrently:
npm run dev
- Running the server:
npm run server
- Running the client:
npm run client
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Made By Tech Team of Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors SRM with ❤️