Code and materials for 'Combining social media and survey data to nowcast migrant stocks in the United States'.
Open access paper is here:
Alexander, M., Polimis, K. & Zagheni, E. Combining Social Media and Survey Data to Nowcast Migrant Stocks in the United States. Popul Res Policy Rev (2020).
R scripts are numbered in the order they should be run.
Notes about data:
folder contains five waves of Facebook data.- ACS data were downloaded from IPUMS USA. We extracted ACS 1 year with the following variables: YEAR; STATEFIP; PERWT; SEX; AGE; BPL for all years 2001-2016
- Monica Alexander (
: MJAlexander |
: @monjalexander)
- Kivan Polimis (
: kpolimis |
: @kpolimis)
- Emilio Zagheni (
: ezagheni |
: @ezagheni)