- Simple Laravel application to read text file page per page
- simple auth without database connection
- unit test
- docker
- php version >= 8.0.2
- clone or extract project
- go to the project folder
- cp .env.example .env
- docker-compose up -d (if you have problem with port change APP_port value in .env file )
- docker exec -it file-reader-laravel-9_reader.file_1 composer install
- docker exec -it file-reader-laravel-9_reader.file_1 php artisan key:generate
- docker exec -it file-reader-laravel-9_reader.file_1 chown -R sail:sail storage
- docker exec -it file-reader-laravel-9_reader.file_1 php artisan test
- docker-compose restart
- visit http://localhost:9000 (9000 is APP_port value in .env file)
- clone or extract project
- go to the project folder
- cp .env.example .env
- composer install
- php artisan key:generate
- chown -R $USER:$USER storage
- php artisan serve
- php artisan test
- visit http://localhost:8000
###usage in docker environment
- use /var/www/html/public/index.php for test normal file
- use /var/www/html/storage/logs/laravel.log for test normal file
- use /var/www/html/public/logs/test_big_laravel.log for test high file
public/index.php && test_big_laravel.log files is used in unit test so change on them maybe broke the test doc ###screenshots
in screenshots folder
Unit test
First Page normal file (/var/www/html/public/index.php)
Middle Page normal file (/var/www/html/public/index.php)
Last Page normal file (/var/www/html/public/index.php)
First Page high file (/var/www/html/public/test_big_laravel.log)
Last Page high file (/var/www/html/public/test_big_laravel.log)