Project for Computational Dialogue Modelling (first year master AI @ UvA).
This repository contains research on the effect of Multi-Task Learning (MTL) on the domain of Indirect Answer Classification (IAC). The goal is to improve a BERT model on the IAC task by training the model in a multi-task fashion. We test a number of different tasks and datasets, but it is easy for further research to expand upon this research by adding other tasks or datasets.
This repository consists of the following key scripts:
- this is the main training loop for the model. This is the script that needs to be called when starting an experiment.
- this script contains some helpful functions and takes away a lot of clutter from the main script.
- multi_task/ this script contains the Multi-Task adaption of the BERT model.
- data/: contains all dataloader classes for the different datasets.
- data/multitask_dataloader: script for combining multiple datasets into a single dataloader. Creates batches containing only a single task, but picks each batch from one of the datasets randomly.
The accompanying research paper of this project can be found in this repository as Research_Paper.pdf.
- Anaconda. Available at:
- Open Anaconda prompt and clone this repository (or download and unpack zip):
git clone
- Create the environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
- Activate the environment:
conda activate CDM
- Run the training script for the baseline model:
python --progress_bar
Or provide a path to the checkpoint of an earlier run:
python --checkpoint_path CHECKPOINT_PATH
Most datasets are gathered from the Huggingface library and require no manual downloading. The following datasets are exceptions to this:
- For the IQAP dataset, download the zip from the official website and move the csv to the data/local_datasets/iqap folder.
The models can be trained with the following command line arguments:
usage: [-h] [--model_version MODEL_VERSION] [--labels LABELS] [--setting SETTING]
[--test_scenario TEST_SCENARIO] [--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--patience PATIENCE]
[--lrs LRS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--aux_tasks AUX_TASKS] [--aux_probing]
[--checkpoint_path CHECKPOINT_PATH] [--seed SEED] [--results_dir RESULTS_DIR]
[--progress_bar] [--pretrain]
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show help message and exit.
--model_version MODEL_VERSION What model version to use. Options: ['QA', 'Q', 'A']. Default is 'QA' (Question and Answer).
--labels LABELS What labels to use. Options: ['strict', 'relaxed']. Default is 'strict'.
--setting SETTING What test setting is used. Options: ['matched', 'unmatched']. Default is 'matched'.
--test_scenario Which scenario to reserve for testing in the unmatched setting. Only use in combination with setting unmatched. Options: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Default is 0.
--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS Maximum number of epochs to train for. Default is 5.
--patience PATIENCE Stops training after patience number of epochs without improvement in development accuracy. Default is 3.
--lrs LRS Learning rates to use per task. Default is [3e-5] (for single task learning).
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE Minibatch size. Default is 8.
--aux_tasks AUX_TASKS Which auxiliary tasks to train on. Options: ['IQAP', 'SST2', 'MNLI', 'BOOLQ', 'TOPICS']. Default is [] (single task learning).
--aux_probing Train only the classification layers for the auxiliary tasks.
--checkpoint_path CHECKPOINT_PATH Path to where the model checkpoint is located. Default is None (train from scratch).
--seed SEED Seed to use for reproducing results. Default is 1234.
--results_dir RESULTS_DIR Directory where the training results should be created. Default is './mtl_results'.
--progress_bar Use a progress bar indicator for interactive experimentation. Not to be used in conjuction with SLURM jobs.
--pretrain Pretrains on the auxiliary task, and finetunes on the Circa dataset.
optional arguments related to annotation for our own auxiliary task (see paper section 3.3.6 and appendix A):
--impwords If mentioned, Circa dataset will be annotated with most important word in answers.
--topics If mentioned, Circa dataset will be annotated with a WordNet topic for every answer
--npimpwords If mentioned, important words annotations will NOT be pre-loaded, but re-generated
--nptopics If mentioned, topic annotations will NOT be pre-loaded, but re-generated
--tfidf If mentioned, most important words will be determined by TF-IDF values as opposed to extracting the last noun
--hybrid If mentioned, most important words will be determined by TF-IDF values ONLY if there is no last noun
--traversetopics If mentioned, topic annotations will be generated using all-hypernym traversal
--topic_depth Top-down tree depth for naive case without tree traversing
--label_density Controls the level of allowed topic class labels
--impwordsfile Plain-text important words annotation file per indirect answer. Default is fixed in
--topicsfile Plain-text topic annotation file per indirect answer. Default is fixed in
--topiclabelsfile Pickled topic label annotation file per indirect answer. Default is fixed in
- [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '..\multinli_1.0\multinli_1.0_dev_matched.jsonl' when using MNLI as the auxiliary task.
- Download MultiNLI zip from the official website:
- Extract the ZIP and place the multinli_1.0 folder in the cache directory as provided by the error message
- AttributeError: 'Dataset' object has no attribute 'add_column' when using TOPICS as the auxiliary task.
- Upgrade Datasets package to at least 1.6.2:
pip install datasets -U
- Luuk Kaandorp - [email protected]
- Casper Wortmann - [email protected]
- Damiaan Reijnaers - [email protected]
- Thanks to Huggingface, the multi-task BERT model was adapted from their BERT implementations