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Bidirectional Neural Machine Translation 🤖 with Seq2Seq Network & Attention


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Neural Machine Translation

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This repository provides an implementation of the paper Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate. The script is designed to handle any language pair for translation tasks and also support for distributed GPU training using Lightning AI.


1. Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y fonts-noto-core fonts-noto-unhinted fonts-noto-hinted libcairo2 libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libglib2.0-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Prepare the Dataset


The dataset script reads the dataset file in TSV format.

Foe English to Nepali dataset, you can download the dataset from here, and obtain the Nepali font from here.

3. Train the Model

Before starting, add your Comet ML API key and project name to the .env file.

Argument Description Default Value
-d, --device Device for training cuda
-g, --gpus Number of GPUs per node 1
-w, --num_workers Number of data loading workers 8
-db, --dist_backend Distributed backend for multi-GPU training ddp
--train_path Path to the training dataset (TSV format) None (required)
--valid_path Path to the validation dataset (CSV format) None (required)
--font_path Path to the font file (.ttf), useful for Devanagari scripts None (required)
--input_lang Source language np
--output_lang Target language en
--reverse Reverse source and target languages False
--max_len Maximum sequence length 12
--min_len Minimum sequence length 2
-mt, --model_type Model type: lstm or gru lstm
-hs, --hidden_size Model hidden size 128
-nl, --num_layers Number of model layers 2
-bd, --bidirection Use bidirectional model False
-at, --attention Use attention mechanism False
--epochs Number of training epochs 100
--batch_size Training batch size 64
-lr, --learning_rate Initial learning rate 4e-4
-lrf, --lr_factor Factor for learning rate decay 0.5
-lrp, --lr_patience Learning rate patience for decay 1
-mlt, --min_lr_threshold Minimum learning rate threshold 1e-2
--precision Precision mode 32-true
--checkpoint_path Path to a checkpoint file for resuming training None
-gc, --grad_clip Gradient norm clipping value 1.0
-ag, --acc_grad Number of batches for gradient accumulation 2
python3 \
  -d cuda -w 4 -g 2 -db ddp \
  --input_lang ne --output_lang en \
  --train_path train.tsv --valid_path valid.tsv --font_path custom_font.otf \
  --batch_size 64 -ag 2 --epochs 50 --max_len 16 --min_len 4 -lr 4e-3 \
  -hs 128 --nl 2 --mt lstm --attention --bidirection


  • Use the --reverse flag if you want to train the model with reversed source and target languages.
  • Insert the path of checkpoint using --checkpoint path flag if you want to resume training with saved weights. However, note that max_len and min_len must match to ensure consistency between input and output parameters.

Experiment Results

Model Language Pair Max Length Min Length Train Set Validation Set GPUs Effective Batch Size
Base Models General 16 4 ~500k ~90k 2×T4 2×128
Final Model Nepali → English 24 4 ~760k ~135k 2×T4 2×128
Final Model English → Nepali 20 5 ~685k ~120k 2×T4 2x64x2
Models Encoder Decoder Attention
Base Model 1 GRU GRU
Base Model 2 LSTM LSTM
Base Model 3 BiLSTM LSTM
Final Model BiLSTM LSTM


  • The final model for English → Nepali translation was filtered with max_len=20 and min_len=5, due to GPU memory constraints, resulting in ~685k training pairs and ~120k validation pairs.
    • Batch size: 64
    • Gradient accumulation: 2 (resulting in an effective batch size of 128)
  • The SacreBLEU score (4-gram) was used as the primary evaluation metric.


  • Teacher forcing was applied during training and validation to stabilize learning and prevent error propagation, as cross-entropy loss struggles with variable-length sequences.
  • For final validation (test), inference was performed without teacher forcing to simulate real-world performance.

Nepali → English


Test Inference Results

Source Ground Truth Translated BLEU Score
नयाँ सरकारले देशमा आर्थिक विकासका लागि निजी क्षेत्रसँग हातेमालो गर्ने छ 'दाहालले भने । the new government will work hand in hand with the private sector for economic development in the country dahal said . the new government will handle the private sector for economic development in the country dahal said . 65.46
थुलियम एक पेरियोडीक टेबलमा पर्ने रासायनिक तत्त्व हो । thulum is a chemical element on a periodic table . the is a chemical element in a periodic table . 52.54
आर्थिक समस्या पर्दैमा आफ्ना छोराछोरी वा परिवारजनलाई बेच्न सक्दैनौं । we cannot sell our children or family if there is financial problems . we cannot sell their children or family if the financial problem is . 30.58
बजेट तथा कार्यक्रम तर्जुमा गर्दा अपनाउनु पर्ने अन्य कार्यविधि तोकिए बमोजिम the other procedures to be followed in the preparation of budget and programme shall be as prescribed . other procedures relating to the implementation of the budget and programmes shall be as prescribed . 28.39

Attention Plots

Translation 1 Translation 2
Translation 3 Translation 4

English → Nepali


Test Inference Results

Source Ground Truth Translated BLEU Score
the only person to die was the bomber . मर्ने व्यक्ति मात्र बमबर थियो । मर्ने व्यक्ति मात्र बमबरको थियो । 0
the daughter was found alive but the son was not yet untouched छोरी त जिउँदै भेटिएकी थिई तर छोराको अझै अत्तोपत्तो थिएन छोरी जिवित भेटियो तर छोरा अझै अछुतो थिएन 0
it was a total loss said ken smith whose company sells second hand motorboats . यो कुल नोक्सान थियो केन स्मिथले भन्नुभयो जसको कम्पनीले दोस्रो हाते मोटरबोट बिक्री गर्दछ । यो कुल नोक्सान थियो केन स्मिथले दोस्रो हाते सेयरहरू गुमाउँछ । 37.18
subsidies are also necessary to introduce new technology but this function is poorly incorporated in our system . नयाँ प्रविधि परिचय गर्न सहायक पनि आवश्यक छ तर यो कार्य हाम्रो प्रणालीमा गरिब रूपमा समावेश गरिएको छ । नयाँ प्रविधि परिचय गर्न पनि आवश्यक छ तर यो कार्य हाम्रो प्रणालीमा गरिब रूपमा छ । 65.13

Attention Plots

Translation 1 Translation 2
Translation 3 Translation 4


  title={Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate},
  author={Bahdanau, Dzmitry and Cho, Kyunghyun and Bengio, Yoshua},
  booktitle={3rd International Conference on Learning Representations, {ICLR} 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, May 7-9, 2015, Conference Track Proceedings},


Bidirectional Neural Machine Translation 🤖 with Seq2Seq Network & Attention







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