This is a simple Android-NoteBook application.
To install the App on your Android Device, you'll need to activate third-party-apps on your Device (through the System-Settings).
If you did that, you can simply copy the .apk
provided in the /bin
-folder or compile your own.
Things that will or should be improved:
- Add support for Notebooks (Collections)
- Add some "Share"-Options
- Add "Email this"-Support
- Add Support for Media attached on notes (Photos, Videos, Sound...)
- Add a "Delete"-Option the the Main-Activity which can delete multiple Notes at once
- Reminder support for all Notes.
- Create a Widget
- Better Search (Mark results in the Text)
Feel free to fork, as it is GPL2.
- Fixed the Bug which caused the App to crash when going back from a found Note.
- Added JavaDoc comments.
- Added the last edit date to the Database.
- Added a Context Menu to the Main Activity to Show/Edit/Delete the selected Note.
- Made the Display-, Edit- and New-Note Activity's look better.
- Added Icons for the App.