My implementation of some cryptographic algorithms, from scratch.
To be able to send strings, I implemented my own string to integer enconder with its respective decorder.
Strings are decoded into batches of integers, and these integers are then fed to the cryptographic algorithms. After a successful process, they are decoded into the original strings.
python3 modarith/
The process is described step-by-step
Public prime number: 1125899906842511
Public mod base: 7815
Alice private key: 253908363983023
Alice public key: 172870429994238
Bob private key: 938295762504057
Bob public key: 732628139550321
>>>> Exchanging keys
Alice calculates: 4734224873141
Bob calculates: 4734224873141
>>>> Checking keys
Are the keys equal? True
DH Key exchange successful
python3 modarith/
The process is described step by step
Bob will send an encrpyted message to Alice.
Alice publishes a prime number and a mod base...
Public prime number: 1125899906842429
Public mod base: 6539
Alice private key: 736948346207418
Alice public key: 433734413277313
>>> Bob generates an ephemeral key and a masking key:
exponent for key generation: 969929725239989
ephemeral key: 102325605126408
masking key: 291740505016748
What message is Bob sending? (ASCII-only):
>>> hi!
>>>Encoding: hi!
>>>>>>result | 104105033125125
The message whas encoded in 1 integers
Bob sends the message in batches:
>>>Message 104105033125125 encrypted as 1074880864360724
Bob sends the ephemeral key 102325605126408
Alice calculates the masking key 291740505016748
Checking integrity: True
Alice decrypts the batches
>>>Message 1074880864360724 decrypted as 104105033125125
Alice decodes the message
>>> Decoding | 104105033125125
>>>>>>result: hi!
python3 RSA/
The process is described step by step
Bob will send an encrpyted message to Alice.
Alice starts a RSA session...
RSA session parameters:
>>> p = 1125899906842429
>>> q = 1125899906842597
>>> N = 1267650600227979451717384148113
>>> euler_phi = 1267650600227977199917570463088
Generating keys for Alice...
>>> Public key = (1267650600227979451717384148113, 5)
>>> Private key = 760590360136786319950542277853
What message is Bob sending? (ASCII-only):
>>> hello here!
>>>Encoding: hello here!
>>>>>>result | 104101108108111 | 32104101114101 | 33125125125125
The message whas encoded in 3 integers
Bob sends the message in batches:
>>>Message 104101108108111 encrypted as 146092281434392436187061379941
>>>Message 32104101114101 encrypted as 414149083502017860101125117629
>>>Message 33125125125125 encrypted as 1016699765471562140736895216854
Alice decrypts the batches
>>>Message 146092281434392436187061379941 decrypted as 104101108108111
>>>Message 414149083502017860101125117629 decrypted as 32104101114101
>>>Message 1016699765471562140736895216854 decrypted as 33125125125125
Alice decodes the message
>>> Decoding | 104101108108111 | 32104101114101 | 33125125125125
>>>>>>result: hello here!
python3 RSA/
Bob will send a signed message to Alice.
Bob starts a RSA session...
RSA session parameters:
>>> p = 1125899906842511
>>> q = 1125899906842553
>>> N = 1267650600228022235913844170583
>>> euler_phi = 1267650600228019984114030485520
Generating keys for Bob...
>>> Public key = (1267650600228022235913844170583, 3)
>>> Private key = 845100400152013322742686990347
What message is Bob sending? (ASCII-only):
>>> Hello there!
>>>Encoding: Hello there!
>>>>>>result | 72101108108111 | 32116104101114 | 101033125125125
The message whas encoded in 3 integers
Bob signs with his private key and sends the signed message in batches:
>>>Message 72101108108111 encrypted as 1014640438524198703982200062687
>>>Message 32116104101114 encrypted as 178450223502823609901338720490
>>>Message 101033125125125 encrypted as 340657869404703214649919972073
Alice decrypts the batches using Bob's public key
>>>Message 1014640438524198703982200062687 encrypted as 72101108108111
>>>Message 178450223502823609901338720490 encrypted as 32116104101114
>>>Message 340657869404703214649919972073 encrypted as 101033125125125
Alice decodes the signed message
>>> Decoding | 72101108108111 | 32116104101114 | 101033125125125
>>>>>>result: Hello there!
Alice got as a message:
>>> Hello there!
Alice decrypted the signature as:
>>> Hello there!
Integrity check: True
Coming soon...