Nanvix is a Unix-like operating system written by Pedro H. Penna for educational purposes. It is designed to be simple and small, but also modern and fully featured.
Nanvix targets 32-bit x86-based PCs and only requires a floppy or CD-ROM drive and 16 MB of RAM. You can run it either in a real PC or in a virtual machine, using a Live System's Image.
In order to build Nanvix, you will need a Linux like programming environment, the x86 GCC compiler and the x86 GNU binutils.
If you are running a Debian-based Linux distribution, like Ubuntu, you can simply run the following commands at the root directory:
sudo apt-get install make
sudo bash tools/dev/
sudo bash tools/dev/
sudo reboot now
When done, you can build Nanvix by typing, at the root directory:
make nanvix
Or you can build a Live System's Image by typing, at the same directory:
make image
To run Nanvix, type the following command at the root directory:
bash tools/run/
Nanvix is a free software that is under the GPL V3 license and is maintained by Pedro H. Penna. Any questions or suggestions send him an email: [email protected]