SignalR C/S Demo based on .Net 6.0, including WPF server, Web server, WPF client project code;
It can help you build SignalR C/S project fastly and easily;
Especially it is very suitable for the rapid construction and deployment of LAN communication;
- The WPF server does not support Win7 and below systems and will report a Dll error
You can run project SignalRDotNet31WPFServer|SignalRDotNet6WebServer|SignalRDotNet6WPFServer one of it to build SignalR Server.
You need to modify appsettings.json-"Urls" Value to change SignalR server Url.
Last you should run WPFCoreSignalRClient Project,and also you should change the project appsettings.json-"UserSettings"-"Urls",it needs to be consistent the server urls.
If your configuration is correct,the UI will show connect count>0.