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Updated libraries, easier to set up dynamodb with init script for local development
Download modules: go mod download
Running DynamoDB on Docker Image:
docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local
Set up database: ./db/
To Run:
go run .
- JWT tokens can be generated from the GET /token endpoint
- JWT tokens can be validated in the middleware via auth.go
- JWT tokens need a secret for signing and verifying, and personally what I recommend for production is NOT by putting it in source code, but rather pass in the randomly generated secret via environmental variables. I show an example of environmental variable through configuration
GET /health
GET /v1/token
POST /v1/user/ Body { "Name": "Joe", "Gender": "Male", "Age": 25 }
GET /v1/user/9619e438-ffa5-4a7f-a160-e2203593d5eb