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atenfyr committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent 774a89d commit 5f2313e
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Showing 13 changed files with 241 additions and 6 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@
- [UUInt64Property](api/
- [UWeakObjectProperty](api/
- [UAssetAPI.JSON]()
- [ByteArrayJsonConverter](api/
- [FNameJsonConverter](api/
- [FPackageIndexJsonConverter](api/
- [FSignedZeroJsonConverter](api/
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ Implements [IComparable](
| NoDummies | 1 | Serialize all dummy FNames to the name map. |
| SkipParsingBytecode | 2 | Skip Kismet bytecode serialization. |
| SkipPreloadDependencyLoading | 4 | Skip loading other assets referenced in preload dependencies. You may wish to set this flag when possible in multi-threading applications, since preload dependency loading could lead to file handle race conditions. |
| SkipParsingExports | 8 | Skip parsing exports at read time. Entries in the export map will be read as raw exports. You can manually parse exports with the method. |
| SkipParsingExports | 8 | Skip parsing exports at read time. Entries in the export map will be read as raw exports. You can manually parse exports with the [UAsset.ParseExport(AssetBinaryReader, Int32, Boolean)](./ method. |
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,3 +72,112 @@ Implements [IComparable](
| WaterBodyComponentRefactor | 56 | Water plugin is now component-based rather than actor based |
| BPGCCookedEditorTags | 57 | Cooked BPGC storing editor-only asset tags |
| TTerrainLayerWeightsAreNotParameters | 58 | Terrain layer weights are no longer considered material parameters |
| GravityOverrideDefinedInWorldSpace | 59 | Anim Dynamics Node Gravity Override vector is now defined in world space, not simulation space. Legacy behavior can be maintained with a flag, which is set false by default for new nodes, true for nodes predating this change. |
| AnimDynamicsEditableChainParameters | 60 | Anim Dynamics Node Physics parameters for each body in a chain are now stored in an array and can be edited. |
| WaterZonesRefactor | 61 | Decoupled the generation of the water texture from the Water Brush and the landscape |
| ChaosClothFasterDamping | 62 | Add faster damping calculations to the cloth simulation and rename previous Damping parameter to LocalDamping. |
| MigratedFunctionHandlersToDefaults | 63 | Migrated function handlers to the CDO/archetype data |
| ChaosInertiaConvertedToVec3 | 64 | Storing inertia tensor as vec3 instead of matrix. |
| MigratedEventDefinitionToDefaults | 65 | Migrated event definitions to the CDO/archetype data |
| LevelInstanceActorGuidSerialize | 66 | Serialize LevelInstanceActorGuid on new ILevelInstanceInterface implementation |
| SingleFrameAndKeyAnimModel | 67 | Single-frame/key AnimDataModel patch-up |
| RemappedEvaluateWorldPositionOffsetInRayTracing | 68 | Remapped bEvaluateWorldPositionOffset to bEvaluateWorldPositionOffsetInRayTracing |
| WaterBodyComponentCollisionSettingsRefactor | 69 | Water body collision settings are now those of the base UPrimitiveComponent, rather than duplicated in UWaterBodyComponent |
| WidgetInheritedNamedSlots | 70 | Introducing widget inherited named slots. This wouldn't have required a version bump, except in the previous version, users could make NamedSlots and then Seed them with any random widgets, as a sorta 'default' setup. In order to preserve that, we're bumping the version so that we can set a new field on UNamedSlot to control if a widget exposes its named slot to everyone (even if it has content), which by default they wont any longer. |
| WaterHLODSupportAdded | 71 | Added water HLOD material |
| PoseWatchMigrateSkeletonDrawParametersToPoseElement | 72 | Moved parameters affecting Skeleton pose rendering from the PoseWatch class to the PoseWatchPoseElement class. |
| WaterExclusionVolumeExcludeAllDefault | 73 | Reset default value for Water exclusion volumes to make them more intuitive and support the "it just works" philosophy. |
| WaterNontessellatedLODSupportAdded | 74 | Added water non-tessellated LOD |
| HierarchicalSimplificationMethodEnumAdded | 75 | Added FHierarchicalSimplification::SimplificationMethod |
| WorldPartitionStreamingCellsNamingShortened | 76 | Changed how world partition streaming cells are named |
| WorldPartitionActorDescSerializeContentBundleGuid | 77 | Serialize ContentBundleGuid in WorldPartitionActorDesc |
| WorldPartitionActorDescSerializeActorIsRuntimeOnly | 78 | Serialize IsActorRuntimeOnly in WorldPartitionActorDesc |
| NaniteMaterialOverride | 79 | Add Nanite Material Override option to materials and material instances. |
| WorldPartitionHLODActorDescSerializeStats | 80 | Serialize HLOD stats in HLODActorDesc |
| WorldPartitionStreamingSourceComponentTargetDeprecation | 81 | WorldPartitionStreamingSourceComponent property deprecation |
| FixedLocalizationGatherForExternalActorPackage | 82 | Fixed localization gathering for external actor packages |
| WorldPartitionHLODActorUseSourceCellGuid | 83 | Change HLODActors to RuntimeCells mapping to use a GUID instead of the cell name |
| ChaosGeometryCollectionInternalFacesAttribute | 84 | Add an attribute to geometry collection to track internal faces, rather than relying on material ID numbering |
| DynamicCastNodesUsePureStateEnum | 85 | Dynamic cast nodes use an enumerated pure node state to include a value for the default setting |
| WorldPartitionActorFilter | 86 | Add FWorldPartitionActorFilter to FLevelInstanceActorDesc/FDataLayerInstanceDesc |
| AudioAttenuationNonSpatializedRadiusBlend | 87 | Change the non-spatialized radius to blend to a pure 2D spatialized sound vs omnidirectional |
| WorldPartitionActorClassDescSerialize | 88 | Serialize actor class descriptors |
| WorldPartitionFActorContainerIDu64ToGuid | 89 | FActorContainerID is now an FGuid instead of a uint64 |
| WorldPartitionPrivateDataLayers | 90 | FDataLayerInstanceDesc support for private data layers |
| ChaosImplicitObjectUnionBVHRefactor | 91 | Reduce size and improve behaviour of Chaos::FImplicitObjectUnion |
| LevelInstanceActorDescDeltaSerializeFilter | 92 | FLevelInstanceActorDesc DeltaSerialize Filter |
| FixNaniteLandscapeMeshDDCKey | 93 | Fix the Nanite landscape mesh non-deterministic DDC keys |
| ChaosGeometryCollectionConnectionEdgeGroup | 94 | Change how connection graphs are stored on Geometry Collections to an edge-array representation |
| WaterBodyStaticMeshComponents | 95 | Moved the water info mesh data and static water body meshes into new static mesh components for water bodies. |
| WorldPartitionActorDescSerializeInvalidBounds | 96 | Serialize invalid bounds in world partition actor descriptors |
| NavigationLinkID32To64 | 97 | Upgrade Navigation Links to use 64 bits for the ID |
| WorldPartitionActorDescSerializeEditorOnlyReferences | 98 | Serialize editor only references in world partition actor descriptors |
| WorldPartitionActorDescSerializeSoftObjectPathSupport | 99 | Add support for soft object paths in actor descriptors |
| WorldPartitionClasDescGuidTransient | 100 | Don't serialize class descriptor GUIDs |
| WorldPartitionActorDescIsMainWorldOnly | 101 | Serialize ActorDesc bIsMainWorldOnly |
| WorldPartitionActorFilterStringAssetPath | 102 | FWorldPartitionActorFilter go back to FString serialize of AssetPaths to avoid FArchiveReplaceOrClearExternalReferences clearing CDO references on BP Compile |
| PackedLevelActorDesc | 103 | Add FPackedLevelActorDesc for APackedLevelActor and support for APackedLevelActor Filters |
| WorldPartitionRuntimeSpatialHashCVarOverrides | 104 | Add customizable values for several UWorldPartitionRuntimeSpatialHash cvars |
| WorldPartitionHLODSourceActorsRefactor | 105 | WorldPartition HLOD now contains a source actors object |
| GeometryCollectionConvertVertexColorToSRGB | 107 | Geometry Collection now by-default converts vertex colors to sRGB when creating render data |
| WaterOwningZonePointerFixup | 108 | Water bodies before this version need to update their water zone on load since they won't have been serialized yet. |
| WaterBodyStaticMeshDuplicateTransient | 109 | Set flags on water static meshes to duplicate transient to avoid underlying static mesh duplication issue |
| MVVMConvertPropertyPathToSkeletalClass | 110 | Update paths to use the SkeletalClass |
| WaterBodyStaticMeshFixup | 111 | Fixup all flags/outering on static meshes on water bodies by rebuilding them completely |
| AnimGraphNodeBindingExtensions | 112 | Binding extensions for anim graph nodes |
| RigVMSaveDebugMapInGraphFunctionData | 113 | Function data stores a map from work to debug operands |
| FixMissingAnimGraphNodeBindingExtensions | 114 | Fix missing binding extensions for some anim graph nodes |
| ISMComponentEditableWhenInheritedSkipSerialization | 115 | EditableWhenInherited: Skip custom serialization on non Archetypes |
| LandscapeSupportPerComponentGrassTypes | 116 | GrassTypes are now per-component, rather than per-landscape proxy : |
| WorldPartitionDataLayersLogicOperatorAdded | 117 | World partition actor data layers activation logic operator support defaults for old maps |
| MovieSceneSortedBindings | 118 | Started sorting Possessables, Spawnables, and MovieSceneBindings for better search performance. |
| RemoveAnimCurveCompressionCodecInstanceGuid | 119 | Remove the UAnimCurveCompressionCodec::InstanceGuid which causes cook determinism issues |
| WorldPartitionHLODActorDescSerializeSourceHLODLayer | 120 | Serialize the source HLOD Layer for HLOD actor descriptors. |
| WorldPartitionHLODActorDescSerializeEditorBounds | 121 | Serialize custom editor bounds for HLOD actor descriptors. |
| LocalExposureDefaultChangeFrom1_Reverted | 122 | Changed default Local Exposure Contrast from 1.0 to 0.8 (reverted) |
| AddDataLayerInstanceExternalPackage | 123 | Added support of external packaging of Data Layer Instances |
| MVVMPropertyPathSelf | 124 | Update paths to keep a flag if they are the widget BP |
| AddDataflowObjectSerialization | 125 | Enabled ObjectPtr property serialization for Dataflow nodes |
| AnimNotifyAddRateScale | 126 | Add anim notify rate scaling, defaults to on for new content, off for old content |
| FixedTangentTransformForNonuniformBuildScale | 127 | Fix tangents for non-uniform build scales, and add a flag to optionally match the previous (incorrect) tangents |
| AnimNodeRootDefaultGroupChange | 128 | AnimNode Layers will now start in a Shared Group, instead of being each one on a different group at runtime |
| AnimNextMoveGraphsToEntries | 129 | Move AnimNext graphs to sub-entries of assets |
| AnimationSequenceCompressedDataRemoveDebugData | 130 | Removed debug information containing compressed data author, time etc. from animation DDC data as it introduces indeterminism |
| OrthographicCameraDefaultSettings | 131 | Changes to Orthographic Camera default settings |
| LandscapeAddedHLODSettings | 132 | Added settings to Landscape HLODs |
| MeshDescriptionForSkeletalMesh | 133 | Skeletal Mesh uses Mesh Description to store mesh bulk data. |
| SkeletalHalfEdgeData | 134 | Skeletal Mesh optionally cooks half edge data per lod |
| AnimNextCombineGraphContexts | 135 | Combine graph contexts for AnimNext graphs |
| AnimNextCombineParameterBlocksAndGraphs | 136 | Combine parameter blocks and graphs |
| AnimNextMoveWorkspaces | 137 | Move workspaces to a seperate plugin |
| LevelInstancePropertyOverrides | 138 | Level Instance Property overrides |
| VolumetricLightMapGridDescSupport | 139 | Added FVolumetricLightMapGridDesc in MapBuildData |
| IntroduceLandscapeEditLayerClass | 140 | Introduce new structure for customizing the landscape edit layer behavior |
| AnimNextWorkspaceEntryConversion | 141 | Change workspaces to store asset references as external objects |
| DataflowAnyTypeSupport | 142 | Add support for anytype in dataflow |
| PhysicsAssetUseManifoldFlags | 143 | Adding a new flag in RBAN Solver Setting to be able to use manifolds |
| SimAndQueryDataSupportInChaosVisualDebugger | 144 | Added support for to record sim and query data of Shape Instance data in CVD |
| ChaosClothAssetUSDImportNodeAddAssetDependencies | 145 | Add the imported asset dependencies to the Cloth Asset USD Import node |
| LumenRayLightingModeOverrideEnum | 146 | Changed HitLighting to HitLightingForReflections, and HitLighting now means hit lighting for entire Lumen |
| PCGPartitionActorDesc | 147 | PCGPartitionActorDesc |
| LandscapeTargetLayersInLandscapeActor | 148 | Target layers are now defined in the Landscape actor and not continuously synced from the assigned material. |
| LevelInstanceStaticLightingSupport | 150 | Changes for LevelInstance support in StaticLighting |
| PCGGridDescriptor | 151 | PCGGridDescriptor |
| AnimNextGraphAccessSpecifiers | 152 | AnimNext graphs now have public/private state |
| MaterialPixelDepthOffsetMode | 153 | Added a more stable pixel depth offset mode. |
| DataflowHideablePins | 154 | Added hideable pins to dataflow |
| ClothAssetSkeletalMeshMultiSectionImport | 155 | Added multiple section import to the cloth asset skeletal mesh import node |
| WorldPartitionActorDescSerializeEditorBounds | 156 | Serialize EditorBounds in WorldPartitionActorDesc |
| FixupLandscapeTargetLayersInLandscapeActor | 157 | Fixup for the data that has been damaged by LandscapeTargetLayersInLandscapeActor (loss of landscape layer info object assignments) |
| ChaosClothAllowZeroBucklingStiffness | 159 | Fix chaos cloth buckling stiffness parameter bug |
| LevelSequenceUpgradeDynamicBindings_NoOp | 160 | LevelSequenceUpgradeDynamicBindings was removed but was intended for this position. Putting this here to make sure versioning of subsequent assets remains the same |
| GameFeatureDataActionAddToFrontendDefaultToUnload | 161 | AddToFrontend GFA now defaults to unload plugin on exit frontend |
| LevelSequenceUpgradeDynamicBindings | 162 | Upgraded movie scene 'dynamic bindings' to use the new Custom Bindings system |
| ChaosStoreKinematicTargetRotationAsSinglePrecision | 163 | Changed the precision for the stored rotation on kinematic targets to match the precision used in particles |
| PCGApplyOnActorNodeMoveTargetActorEdgeToInput | 164 | PCG changes around the ApplyOnActor node, where we collapsed the TargetActor to the input pin. |
| TimelinePlayingStateTrackerDeprecation | 165 | Deprecation of the bPlaying flag on FTimeline struct types in favor of a better |
| MeshPaintTextureUsesEditorOnly | 166 | Enable SkipOnlyEditorOnly style cooking of UStaticMeshComponent::MeshPaintTexture |
| LandscapeBodyInstanceAsSharedProperty | 167 | Fixup and synchronize some landscape properties that have moved to the property sharing/overriding system : |
| AnimNextModuleRefactor | 168 | Multiple changes to AnimNext modules, variables etc. |
| SubsurfaceProfileGuid | 169 | Subsurface profile now has a guid to be able to select one of many in a Substrate material. |
| SolverIterationsDataSupportInChaosVisualDebugger | 170 | Added support for to record the new solver iteration settings in CVD |
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,4 +27,6 @@ Implements [IComparable](
| NaniteMaterialOverrideUsesEditorOnly | 11 | Enable SkipOnlyEditorOnly style cooking of NaniteOverrideMaterial |
| SinglePrecisonParticleData | 12 | Store game thread particles data in single precision |
| PCGPointStructuredSerializer | 13 | UPCGPoint custom serialization |
| VersionPlusOne | 14 | -----new versions can be added above this line------------------------------------------------- |
| NavMovementComponentMovingPropertiesToStruct | 14 | Deprecation of Nav Movement Properties and moving them to a new struct |
| DynamicMeshAttributesSerializeBones | 15 | Add bone serialization for dynamic mesh attributes |
| VersionPlusOne | 16 | -----new versions can be added above this line------------------------------------------------- |
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,4 +96,8 @@ Implements [IComparable](
| SimCache_BulkDataVersion1 | 84 | Sim Cache moved to bulk data by default |
| InheritanceUxRefactor | 85 | Decoupling of 'Template' and 'Inheritance' |
| NDCSpawnGroupOverrideDisabledByDefault | 86 | NDC Read DIs will not override spawn group by default when spawning particles. Old content will remain unchanged. |
| VersionPlusOne | 87 | DO NOT ADD A NEW VERSION UNLESS YOU HAVE TALKED TO THE NIAGARA LEAD. Mismanagement of these versions can lead to data loss if it is adjusted in multiple streams simultaneously. -----new versions can be added above this line------------------------------------------------- |
| CustomSortingBindingToAge | 87 | Before it was normalized age which can introduce flickering with sorting and random lifetimes |
| StatelessInitialMeshOrientationV1 | 88 | Update Initial Mesh Orientation Module |
| HierarchyEditorScriptSupport | 89 | Hierarchy Editor was implemented |
| EmitterStateAddLoopDelayEnabled | 90 | Added loop delay enabled to emitter state |
| VersionPlusOne | 91 | DO NOT ADD A NEW VERSION UNLESS YOU HAVE TALKED TO THE NIAGARA LEAD. Mismanagement of these versions can lead to data loss if it is adjusted in multiple streams simultaneously. -----new versions can be added above this line------------------------------------------------- |
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# ByteArrayJsonConverter

Namespace: UAssetAPI.JSON

public class ByteArrayJsonConverter : Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter

Inheritance [Object]( → JsonConverter → [ByteArrayJsonConverter](./

## Properties

### **CanRead**

public bool CanRead { get; }

#### Property Value


### **CanWrite**

public bool CanWrite { get; }

#### Property Value


## Constructors

### **ByteArrayJsonConverter()**

public ByteArrayJsonConverter()

## Methods

### **CanConvert(Type)**

public bool CanConvert(Type objectType)

#### Parameters

`objectType` [Type](<br>

#### Returns


### **WriteJson(JsonWriter, Object, JsonSerializer)**

public void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)

#### Parameters

`writer` JsonWriter<br>

`value` [Object](<br>

`serializer` JsonSerializer<br>

### **ReadJson(JsonReader, Type, Object, JsonSerializer)**

public object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)

#### Parameters

`reader` JsonReader<br>

`objectType` [Type](<br>

`existingValue` [Object](<br>

`serializer` JsonSerializer<br>

#### Returns

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,3 +92,6 @@ Implements [IComparable](
| EX_CallMath | 104 | static pure function from on local call space |
| EX_InstrumentationEvent | 106 | Instrumentation event |
| EX_ClassSparseDataVariable | 108 | Sparse data variable |
| EX_AutoRtfmTransact | 112 | AutoRTFM: run following code in a transaction |
| EX_AutoRtfmStopTransact | 113 | AutoRTFM: if in a transaction, abort or break, otherwise no operation |
| EX_AutoRtfmAbortIfNot | 114 | AutoRTFM: evaluate bool condition, abort transaction on false |

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